Reason for California Wildfires
Wildfires can be a deadly natural disaster that cause massive damage and loss of life. California, located on the West Coast of the United States, is vulnerable to wildfires, due to extended drought conditions. Over the years, many California wildfires have erupted in the state, and in the West, with the causes range from weather conditions to human activity.
It is the weather conditions in California that are often to blame for the wildfires that erupt in the state. From late spring through autumn; dry, windy, and at times, very hot weather conditions prevail in California. Such weather conditions act as catalysts for wildfires that range from moderate to extremely devastating. To make matters worse, the Santa Ana Winds, which are strong and dry winds blowing respectively in the northern and southern part of California, give strength to these wildfires making them much more difficult to combat.
Weather does play a big part in the ignition and spread of the wildfires, but often, human factors have contributed to the start of these devastating fires. Some of the human activities behind the start of wildfires are cigarettes that have been negligently discarded, campfires that have been let unattended, and burning of debris. In some cases, wildfires may also be the result of arson.
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