Most Populated Countries in the World

Map of Top Ten Largest Countries Population

The population is distributed unevenly, with some countries having significantly larger populations than others. Here are the top ten most populated countries as per 2022:


S. No. Country Name Population(2022) About Population
1 China 1,425,887,337 China is the world’s most populated country. It has a diverse population with Han Chinese being the largest ethnic group, followed by ethnic minorities such as Tibetans, Mongols, and Uighurs.
2 India 1,417,173,173 India is the world’s second-most populated country. It is home to a diverse population, with the majority being Hindus, followed by Muslims, Christians, and Sikhs.
3 United States 338,289,857 The US has a population of over 332 million people, making it the world’s third-most populated country. It has a diverse population, with a significant number of immigrants from various countries around the world.
4 Indonesia 275,501,339 Indonesia has a population of over 276 million people, making it the world’s fourth-most populated country. It is home to various ethnic groups, with the largest being Javanese, followed by Sundanese and Malays.
5 Pakistan 235,824,862 Pakistan has a population of over 225 million people, making it the world’s fifth-most populated country. It has a predominantly Muslim population, with Punjabis being the largest ethnic group, followed by Pashtuns and Sindhis.
6 Nigeria 218,541,212 Nigeria has a population of over 214 million people, making it the world’s sixth-most populated country. It has a diverse population, with over 250 ethnic groups, the largest of which are the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo.
7 Brazil 215,313,498 Brazil has a population of over 212 million people, making it the world’s seventh-most populated country. It has a diverse population, with the majority being of European, African, or Indigenous descent.
8 Bangladesh 171,186,372 Bangladesh has a population of over 166 million people, making it the world’s eighth-most populated country. It has a predominantly Muslim population and is home to various ethnic groups, with the largest being Bengalis.
9 Russia 144,713,314 Russia has a population of over 146 million people, making it the world’s ninth-most populated country. It has a diverse population, with Russians being the largest ethnic group, followed by Tatars and Ukrainians.
10 Mexico 127,504,125 Mexico has a population of over 129 million people, making it the world’s tenth-most populated country. It has a predominantly Hispanic population, with various Indigenous groups also present.


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