World Atlas Map

World Atlas Map

by poonam bisht

World Atlas Map

World Atlas Map shows all countries, their capitals, international boundaries, oceans, and latitude & longitude. This colored globe world atlas map helps you find any country you want and know their location in different hemispheres. Currently, there are 195 total countries across the globe. All the countries are labeled in different colors. Besides showcasing the geographic features and political boundaries of different countries, World Atlas provides information on geopolitical aspects, economic statistics, religious and social aspects, and others. Whether you are looking for a printable or customized world atlas map with countries, international boundaries, and country names, you’ll find everything at

Atlas Map of World

This is a colored Atlas map of world in Robinson Projection. This is the best atlas map for exploring countries with international boundaries, seven continents, five oceans, islands, different territories, and latitudes & longitude. Find the exact location of the country you are searching for. You can also search the library of different globe world atlas maps at to know different physical, geographic, and political aspects at a glance.

According to the United Nations, there are 195 countries, out of which 193 are UN member states and two non-member states (The Vatican or Holy See and the State of Palestine). Most of the countries (54) are located in Africa. Forty-eight countries are situated in Asia, 44 countries in Europe, 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, 14 in Oceania, and two in Northern America.

Besides these 195 countries, there are 39 dependent/disputed territories:

    1. Taiwan
    2. Hong Kong
    3. Puerto Rico
    4. Réunion
    5. Macao
    6. Western Sahara
    7. Guadeloupe
    8. Martinique
    9. French Guiana
    10. New Caledonia
    11. French Polynesia
    12. Mayotte
    13. Channel Islands
    14. Guam
    15. Curaçao
    16. Aruba
    17. U.S. Virgin Islands
    18. Isle of Man
    19. Cayman Islands
    20. Bermuda
    21. Northern Mariana Islands
    22. Greenland
    23. American Samoa
    24. Faeroe Islands
    25. Sint Maarten
    26. Turks and Caicos
    27. Gibraltar
    28. British Virgin Islands
    29. Caribbean Netherlands
    30. Cook Islands
    31. Anguilla
    32. Wallis & Futuna
    33. Saint Barthelemy
    34. Saint Helena
    35. Saint Pierre & Miquelon
    36. Montserrat
    37. Falkland Islands
    38. Niue
    39. Tokelau

In terms of land area, the most prominent countries are Russia (16,376,870 sq km or 6,323,145 sq mi), China (9,388,211 sq km or 3,624,809 sq mi), the United States of America (9,147,420 sq km or 3,531,839 sq mi), Canada (9,093,510 sq km or 3,511,024 sq mi), and Brazil (8,358,140 sq km or 3,227,096 sq mi).

However, in terms of population, China is the largest country with a population of 1,439,323,776 (2020 estimates), which is 18.5% of the world’s total population. India is the 2nd largest country with a population of 1,380,004,385, 17.7% of the world population. Other countries having the largest populations are the USA, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, and many more.

The most developed countries in terms of the Human Development Index (HDI), according to the United Nations Human Development Report 2020, are Norway, Ireland, Switzerland, Iceland, Hong Kong, China, Germany, Sweden, Australia, Netherlands, and others.

The wealthiest countries in the world with the highest nominal GDPs at current US Dollar exchange rates are the United States of America (US$21.43 trillion), China (US$14.34 trillion), Japan (US$5.08 trillion), Germany (US$3.86 trillion), India (US$2.87 trillion), and many more.

In terms of GDP per Capita (2020), the leading economies are Luxembourg (US$118,359.5), Singapore (US$98,526), Ireland (US$93,612.2), Qatar (US$89,948.6), Bermuda (US$85,263.8), and others.

Explore all the countries in the world atlas to get a clear view of the location of continents, countries, oceans, seas, and latitude & longitude. Know the list of countries in the world that are situated on different continents.

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