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World Map / UN Organisations Headquarters Map

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United Nations Organizations Headquarters

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United Nations and its Organizations Headquarters Map

AcronymInternational OrganizationHeadquarters
FAOFood and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsRome, Italy
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy AgencyVienna, Austria
ICAOInternational Civil Aviation OrganizationMontreal, Canada
ICJInternational Court of JusticeThe Hague, Netherlands
IFADInternational Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentRome, Italy
ILOInternational Labour OrganizationGeneva, Switzerland
IMOInternational Maritime OrganizationLondon, U.K.
IMFInternational Monetary FundWashington, U.S.A.
ITUInternational Telecommunication UnionGeneva, Switzerland
UNUnited NationsNew York, U.S.A.
UNICEFUnited Nations Children's FundNew York, U.S.A.
UNCTADUnited NationsConference on Trade and DevelopmentGeneva, Switzerland
UNDPUnited Nations Development ProgrammeNew York, U.S.A.
UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationParis, France
UNEPUnited Nations Environment ProgrammeNairobi, Kenya
UNHCRUnited Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesGeneva, Switzerland
UNIDOUnited Nations Industrial Development OrganizationVienna, Austria
UNODCUnited Nations Office on Drugs and Crime *Vienna, Austria
UNFPAUnited Nations Population FundNew York, U.S.A.
UNUUnited Nations UniversityTokyo, Japan
UPUUniversal Postal UnionBern, Switzerland
World Bank GroupWashington, U.S.A.
WFPWorld Food ProgrammeRome, Italy
WHOWorld Health OrganizationGeneva, Switzerland
WIPOWorld Intellectual Property OrganizationGeneva, Switzerland
WMOWorld Meteorological OrganizationGeneva, Switzerland
World Tourism OrganizationMadrid, Spain
WTOWorld Trade OrganizationGeneva, Switzerland
* UNODC was formerly called UNDCP - UN International Drug Control Programme

Last Updated Date: February 24, 2020

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