Comoros Industries

The major Comoros industries are concentrated in distilling perfume essence from ylang-ylang. The perfume industries in Comoros were controlled solely by the French companies.

But, from the late 20th century, the people of Comoros have also engaged themselves in the perfume industries of Comoros. The Government is also lending its full support for the local businessmen to start business in Comoros. The Government in association with the industrialists of Comoros is providing technical training programs for the youth in Comoros. The Comoros industries have thrived in the 21st century with the increasing foreign investment in Comoros economy.

Apart from the perfume industries, there are quite a few other industries working profitably in Comoros. One of the industries of Comoros that produce items largely for exports is handicraft industry. The handicraft items of Comoros are exported to European countries as well as US and many Arabic countries.

The tourism industry has also excelled in large scale in Comoros. The growth of aviation industry in the 21st century has contributed further to the promotion of tourism in Comoros. The hotels in Galawa Beach on Njazidja provide the comfortable accommodation for the tourists in Comoros.

Few of the other small scale industries in Comoros include:

  • Printing industry
  • Sawmills industry
  • Leather industry
  • Carpentry industry
  • Yogurt industry
  • Plastics industry
  • Jewelry industry
  • Fishing boats making industry

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