Burundi Land and People

If you want to know about Burundi Land and People then you have come to the right place. The land of Burundi falls under three regions. The east of the country is consisted of mountains that run north-south.

The altitude of this area is around 8,800 ft. Broken plateaus can be found if you move a little further towards the east of the country. These area also include some lower elevations. The west of Burundi is a bit narrow. It is considered to be the part of the Great Rift Valley. This part includes the Ruzizi River and Lake Tanganyika. Some lowlands can be noticed in this part.

People of Burundi belong to various ethnic groups. The population of the Republic of Burundi is mostly consisted of the Hutus, the Tutsis and the Twas. The Hutus are mainly agriculturalists. The Tutsis have always dominated the army and the government of Burundi. They also raise cattle. The Twa people are mainly dependent on hunting and gathering. People use Rundi and French, the official languages. Most of the people are Christian, some of them also follow traditional beliefs.

Burundi Land and People together form the diverse aspects of the country.

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