Climate of Botswana

The nation of Botswana is surrounded by land from all sides of the continent of Africa. The climate of Botswana can be described as to be of partially dry nature.

For the major part of the year, the climate of Botswana remains dry.

In the summer months, the weather of Botswana undergoes little change and the land receives irregular rainfall. The rainy season in Botswana is not regular. It is very inconsistent in character. The nation of Botswana is far-off from the marine areas. The geography of Botswana is also characterized by deserts.

Botswana facts show that the temperature of the place rises up to 38º C and at some junctures, it can even shoot up to a sweltering 44º C. The word, which is used for rain in Botswana is “Pula”. The summer season in Botswana starts in the month of November and continues till March. The winter season begins in May and continues till August month.

The humidity in Botswana during the summer season remains at around 60 to 80 percent in the morning time and shifts to 30 to 40 percent in the afternoons. In the winter season, the humidity of the region varies between 40 and 70 percent in the mornings and 20 to 30 percent in the afternoons.

Tourists to Botswana can visit the place comfortably in months of April to October. The tourists visiting the place during these months can also see the wildlife of Botswana at its best.

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