Maydan Shahr is a city in the Maidan Wardak Province of Afghanistan, located southwest of the capital, Kabul. Maydan Shahr, a city with a name as vibrant as its culture, is a bustling hub in Afghanistan, where tradition and modernity coexist. Positioned in central Afghanistan, Maydan Shahr serves as a cultural melting pot, with influences from various ethnic groups shaping its dynamic character. The city’s bazaars and lively streets offer a glimpse into daily life, where the hustle and bustle reflect the energy of Maydan Shahr’s diverse and vibrant community.
Where is Maydan Shahr Located?
Where is
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- In other languages Mapa de Asia, Mapa de Afganistán, Asie Carte, Carte de l'Afghanistan, Asien Karte, 关于亚洲, 关于阿富汗, Mapa da Ásia, خريطة آسيا, أفغانستان
- Continent Map of Asia
- Country Map of Afghanistan