Kodaira is a city in Tokyo Metropolis, Japan, known for its suburban atmosphere and proximity to Tokyo. Kochi, the heart of Shikoku, is like the laid-back friend who loves nature, history, and a good laugh. Known for its lush landscapes, impressive castle, and lively festivals, it’s a city that leaves you with a smile. Located on the southern coast of Shikoku, facing the Pacific Ocean. Home to the historic Kochi Castle and the bustling Sunday Market. Features the iconic Harimaya Bridge and the energetic Yosakoi Dance Festival.
Where is Kochi Located?
- Related Maps Where is Asia, Where is Japan
- In other languages Mapa de Asia, Mapa de Japon, Asie Carte, Carte du Japon, Asien Karte, Japan Karte, 关于亚洲, 日本地图, Mapa da Ásia, خريطة آسيا
- Continent Map of Asia
- Country Map of Japan
- Province/State Shikoku
- Airport Cochin International Airport