Check this Texas County Map to locate all the state’s counties in Texas Map.
Airports in Lamb County
Airport Name |
Del-Tex Airport |
Littlefield Municipal Airport |
Sudan Airport |
Cities in Lamb County
City | Population | Latitude | Longitude |
Amherst city | 721 | 34.011982 | -102.414775 |
Earth city | 1065 | 34.2338 | -102.409176 |
Littlefield city | 6372 | 33.919082 | -102.334882 |
Olton city | 2215 | 34.180199 | -102.137039 |
Spade | 73 | 33.926033 | -102.154241 |
Springlake town | 108 | 34.231621 | -102.305734 |
Sudan city | 958 | 34.066415 | -102.524193 |
Golf Courses in Lamb County
Name of Golf Course | Latitude | Longitude |
Littlefield Golf Course-Littlefield | 33.91683 | -102.301912 |
Olton Recreation Center Golf Course-Olton | 34.18912 | -102.136759 |