Where is Wisconsin located?

Wisconsin is located in the north-central USA, in the Great Lakes and Midwest regions. It shares border with Lake Superior to the north, Iowa to the southwest, Lake Michigan to the east, Illinois to the south, Minnesota to the west and Michigan to the northeast.

Where is Wisconsin located?


The Wisconsin Location Map clearly defines the geographical and political contours of the state. Situated in the eastern part of the north-central United States of America, Wisconsin shares its northern border with the state of Michigan and Lake Superior, eastern border with Lake Michigan, southern border with Illinois and western border with Minnesota and Iowa.

Geographically, Wisconsin is placed between latitude 42° 30’N to 47° 3’N and longitude 86° 49’W to 92° 54’W. The State of Wisconsin is located at a height of 1,050 feet. The State of Wisconsin encompasses total area of 145,436 square kilometer.

Facts About Wisconsin

State Wisconsin
Country USA
Continent North America
Capital Madison
Largest city Milwaukee
Area 65,497.82 sq mi (169,639 km2)
Population 5,757,564 (2014 est)
Lat Long 44° 30′ 0″ N, 89° 30′ 0″ W
Official Language English (de facto)
Calling Code 00 1 608 X
Time Zone Central: UTC −6/−5
Airport 8-Airports commercial service
Neighbour Countries Canada
Neighbour State Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota
Internet TLD
Currency United States Dollar (USD)

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