Where is Vermont on the Map

Vermont State is located in the New England area of the northeastern USA. It is the only state of New England not sharing his border with Atlantic Ocean. Its neighbour states are Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New York and it also shares its border with Canada.

Where is Vermont Located?


Vermont shares its borders with New Hampshire in the east, New York from the Western side, Massachusetts on the southern side and by the country Canada from the northern side.

Facts About Vermont

State Name Vermont
Country United States (USA)
Continent North America
Capital Montpelier
Largest city Burlington
Area 9,616 sq mi (24,923 km2)
Population 626,562 (2014 est)
Lat Long 44° 0′ 0″ N, 72° 42′ 0″ W
Official Language None
Calling Code 00 1 802 X (Montpelier)
Time Zone Eastern: UTC −5/−4
Airport 2-scheduled passenger service
Neighbour State New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts
Internet TLD
Currency United States Dollar (USD)

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