Vemont Counties

Vemont Counties

by Vishul Malik

Vermont had established two counties on March 17, 1778. The eastern side of the county was called Unity County (3 days later named Cumberland County), and the western side of the state was called Bennington County. In 1781 Cumberland County was divided into three other counties, including Orange County, Windsor and Windham. In 1810 Jefferson county was formed from parts of Chittenden County, Caledonia County and Orange County. Jefferson County was renamed Washington County in 1814. The northeast kingdom (NEK) in Vermont comprises Orleans, Essex and Caledonia.

How Many Counties in Vermont

The US state of Vermont has fourteen counties at present. The counties of Vermont State have 255 places, including 237 towns, nine cities, five unincorporated areas, and four gores. The County seat in Vermont is a shire town. The FIPS Code of Vermont State is 50, which would be written as 50XXX. For Example, the Unique nationwide code for Addison county, the state of Vermont, is 50001. Check this Vermont County Map which provides the location of all 14 counties on the Vermont Map.

Counties of Vermont

Oldest and Newest Counties of Vermont

The oldest and first counties of Vermont were created on March 17, 1778, were Bennington and Cumberland County. The Newest and last County of Vermont state created on October 26, 1835, is Lamoille County.

Largest and smallest County by Area in Vermont

Windsor County is the largest county in Vermont, covering an area of 971 square miles (2,510 km2). The smallest county of Vermont is Grand Isle County, covering 83 square miles (210 km2).

Best County to live in Vermont

The few best counties to live in the Vermont State United States are Chittenden County, Addison County, Washington County, Lamoille County and Windsor County.

Most populated and least populated county of Vermont 

Chittenden County is the most populated county (2020 census) in Vermont, and Essex County is the least populated county (2020 census) in Vermont state of the United States.

Information about maps of all Counties of Connecticut

The maps of all counties of Vermont are available on the website describing facts about counties. The map shows the location of the county within the state, its county seat, state and county boundary. Montpelier, the state capital, is also marked on all the maps. These maps can be used for various purposes.

Washington County Map, Vermont

Check this Vermont County Map to locate all the state’s counties on Vermont Map. Facts about Washington County County Washington State Vermont Country USA Population – 2015 58,612 More Maps of Washington County…

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Franklin County Map, Vermont

Facts about Franklin County County Franklin State Vermont Country USA Population – 2015 Check this Vermont County Map to locate all the state’s counties on Vermont Map Formed on November 28, 1883, Franklin…

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