Utah Rivers Map

Utah consists of many rivers like Virgin River, Paria River, San Juan River and many more. These rivers flow through many places in Utah.

Utah Rivers Map

Green river and Colorado river are the two main rivers of Utah state.

The Utah River Map points out these two rivers clearly along with other natural streams and lakes.

The river map of Utah also highlights Piute Reservoir, Willow Creek, San Pitch river, Muddy Creek, San Rafaet river, Otter Creek, Starvation Reservoir, Uinta river, Paria river and Flaming Gorge Reservoir. The prime rivers of the state play an important role in improving the irrigation facilities. Lake Powell, Virgin river, Utah lake, Bear river, Strawberry Reservoir, Sevier Lake, White river, San Juan river and Fremont river are marked in the river map of Utah.

The Great Basin covers a large portion of the western part of Utah. Sevier lake, Utah lake and Great Salt lake are the three main basins of the state of Utah. The watershed of Gulf of Mexico occupies all the parts of Utah except the western region.

Great Salt Lake is the largest waterway of Utah state which is known for a continuously rising level from the year 1963 leading to many natural disasters like flood. Most of the rivers of Utah passes through the Colorado river. The Utah state map provides a vivid view of the entire drainage system of the state.

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