Latitude and Longitude Map of Tennessee

  Latitude and Longitude of Tennessee Cities and Towns Location Latitude Longitude Adams city 36.58 -87.06 Adamsville town 35.26 -88.39 Alamo town 35.78 -89.12 Alcoa city 35.81 -83.97 Alexandria town…

Latitude and Longitude Map of Tennessee


Latitude and Longitude of Tennessee Cities and Towns

Location Latitude Longitude
Adams city 36.58 -87.06
Adamsville town 35.26 -88.39
Alamo town 35.78 -89.12
Alcoa city 35.81 -83.97
Alexandria town 36.08 -86.04
Algood city 36.2 -85.45
Allardt city 36.38 -84.88
Altamont town 35.43 -85.74
Andersonville 36.2 -84.03
Apison 35.01 -85.01
Ardmore city 35 -86.86
Arlington town 35.26 -89.67
Ashland City town 36.26 -87.04
Athens city 35.45 -84.6
Atoka town 35.42 -89.79
Atwood town 35.98 -88.67
Auburntown town 35.95 -86.1
Baileyton town 36.33 -82.83
Baneberry city 36.05 -83.28
Banner Hill 36.12 -82.42
Bartlett city 35.23 -89.82
Baxter town 36.15 -85.64
Bean Station city 36.33 -83.29
Beersheba Springs town 35.46 -85.67
Bell Buckle town 35.59 -86.35
Belle Meade city 36.1 -86.86
Bells city 35.72 -89.09
Benton town 35.17 -84.65
Berry Hill city 36.12 -86.77
Bethel Springs town 35.23 -88.61
Bethpage 36.48 -86.31
Big Sandy town 36.23 -88.09
Blaine city 36.15 -83.69
Bloomingdale 36.58 -82.51
Blountville 36.53 -82.33
Bluff City city 36.46 -82.28
Bolivar city 35.27 -89.01
Bon Aqua Junction 35.93 -87.31
Bowman 36.06 -85.03
Braden town 35.37 -89.57
Bradford town 36.07 -88.82
Bransford 36.51 -86.29
Brentwood city 35.99 -86.78
Brighton town 35.48 -89.73
Bristol city 36.56 -82.21
Brownsville city 35.59 -89.26
Bruceton town 36.03 -88.25
Bulls Gap town 36.26 -83.08
Burlison town 35.56 -89.78
Burns town 36.05 -87.3
Byrdstown town 36.57 -85.13
Calhoun town 35.3 -84.75
Camden city 36.07 -88.1
Carthage town 36.26 -85.94
Caryville town 36.33 -84.22
Castalian Springs 36.4 -86.31
Cedar Hill city 36.55 -87
Celina city 36.55 -85.5
Centertown town 35.73 -85.92
Centerville town 35.8 -87.46
Central 36.33 -82.29
Chapel Hill town 35.63 -86.69
Charleston city 35.29 -84.76
Charlotte town 36.18 -87.35
Chattanooga city 35.07 -85.25
Chesterfield 35.65 -88.27
Church Hill city 36.52 -82.71
Clarkrange 36.19 -85.01
Clarksburg town 35.87 -88.39
Clarksville city 36.57 -87.34
Cleveland city 35.18 -84.87
Clifton city 35.38 -87.99
Clinton city 36.1 -84.13
Coalfield 36.02 -84.44
Coalmont city 35.34 -85.71
Collegedale city 35.05 -85.05
Collierville town 35.06 -89.69
Collinwood city 35.17 -87.74
Colonial Heights 36.48 -82.51
Columbia city 35.62 -87.05
Cookeville city 36.15 -85.51
Coopertown town 36.41 -86.97
Copperhill city 35 -84.38
Cornersville town 35.37 -86.86
Cottage Grove town 36.38 -88.48
Cottontown 36.45 -86.53
Covington city 35.57 -89.65
Cowan city 35.16 -86.01
Crab Orchard city 35.91 -84.88
Cross Plains city 36.54 -86.68
Crossville city 35.95 -85.03
Crump city 35.23 -88.34
Cumberland City town 36.38 -87.64
Cumberland Gap town 36.6 -83.67
Dandridge town 36.03 -83.43
Darden 35.64 -88.23
Dayton city 35.49 -85.01
Decatur town 35.53 -84.79
Decaturville town 35.58 -88.12
Decherd city 35.22 -86.08
Dickson city 36.06 -87.37
Dodson Branch 36.31 -85.53
Dover city 36.48 -87.84
Dowelltown town 36.01 -85.94
Doyle town 35.86 -85.51
Dresden town 36.28 -88.69
Ducktown city 35.04 -84.39
Dunlap city 35.37 -85.39
Dyer city 36.07 -88.99
Dyersburg city 36.05 -89.38
Eagleton Village 35.79 -83.94
Eagleville city 35.74 -86.66
East Cleveland 35.15 -84.85
East Ridge city 35 -85.23
Eastview town 35.09 -88.55
Elgin 36.33 -84.61
Elizabethton city 36.34 -82.24
Elkton city 35.06 -86.9
Englewood town 35.42 -84.49
Enville town 35.39 -88.43
Erin city 36.32 -87.7
Erwin town 36.15 -82.41
Estill Springs town 35.27 -86.14
Ethridge town 35.32 -87.3
Etowah city 35.34 -84.53
Eva 36.07 -88.01
Fairfield 36.62 -86.34
Fairfield Glade 36 -84.87
Fairgarden 35.89 -83.41
Fairmount 35.18 -85.33
Fairview city 35.98 -87.13
Fall Branch 36.42 -82.62
Falling Water 35.2 -85.26
Farragut town 35.87 -84.18
Fayetteville city 35.15 -86.56
Fincastle 36.4 -84.05
Finger city 35.36 -88.62
Flat Top Mountain 35.33 -85.2
Flintville 35.06 -86.42
Forest Hills city 36.07 -86.84
Franklin city 35.92 -86.85
Friendship city 35.91 -89.24
Friendsville city 35.75 -84.13
Gadsden town 35.78 -88.99
Gainesboro town 36.36 -85.65
Gallatin city 36.38 -86.47
Gallaway city 35.33 -89.61
Garland town 35.58 -89.75
Gates town 35.84 -89.41
Gatlinburg city 35.72 -83.49
Germantown city 35.08 -89.78
Gibson town 35.87 -88.84
Gilt Edge city 35.53 -89.83
Gleason town 36.22 -88.61
Goodlettsville city 36.33 -86.7
Gordonsville town 36.18 -85.93
Graball 36.48 -86.44
Grand Junction city 35.05 -89.19
Gray 36.42 -82.48
Graysville town 35.45 -85.08
Green Hill 36.23 -86.57
Greenback city 35.65 -84.17
Greenbrier town 36.42 -86.8
Greeneville town 36.17 -82.82
Greenfield city 36.16 -88.8
Grimsley 36.28 -85
Gruetli-Laager city 35.37 -85.64
Guys town 35.02 -88.54
Halls town 35.88 -89.4
Harriman city 35.93 -84.56
Harrison 35.13 -85.15
Harrogate city 36.57 -83.65
Hartsville/Trousdale County 36.39 -86.16
Helenwood 36.43 -84.55
Henderson city 35.44 -88.65
Hendersonville city 36.31 -86.6
Henning town 35.68 -89.58
Henry town 36.2 -88.41
Hickory Valley town 35.15 -89.13
Hillsboro 35.41 -85.96
Hohenwald city 35.55 -87.55
Hollow Rock town 36.04 -88.27
Hopewell 35.24 -84.91
Hornbeak town 36.34 -89.3
Hornsby town 35.23 -88.83
Humboldt city 35.83 -88.9
Hunter 36.4 -82.15
Huntingdon town 36 -88.42
Huntland town 35.06 -86.27
Huntsville town 36.41 -84.5
Iron City city 35.03 -87.58
Jacksboro town 36.34 -84.19
Jackson city 35.65 -88.83
Jamestown city 36.43 -84.93
Jasper town 35.07 -85.62
Jefferson City city 36.12 -83.48
Jellico city 36.56 -84.14
Johnson City city 36.34 -82.38
Jonesborough town 36.3 -82.48
Kenton town 36.2 -89.02
Kimball town 35.05 -85.67
Kingsport city 36.53 -82.55
Kingston city 35.87 -84.5
Kingston Springs town 36.08 -87.1
Knoxville city 35.97 -83.95
La Follette city 36.37 -84.13
La Grange town 35.05 -89.24
La Vergne city 36.02 -86.56
Lafayette city 36.52 -86.03
Lake City city 36.22 -84.16
Lake Tansi 35.87 -85.06
Lakeland city 35.26 -89.73
Lakesite city 35.2 -85.14
Lakewood city 36.24 -86.64
Lakewood Park 35.65 -86.14
Lawrenceburg city 35.25 -87.33
Lebanon city 36.2 -86.35
Lenoir City city 35.81 -84.28
Lewisburg city 35.45 -86.79
Lexington city 35.66 -88.4
Liberty town 36.01 -85.98
Linden town 35.61 -87.84
Livingston town 36.39 -85.33
Lobelville city 35.75 -87.8
Lone Oak 35.2 -85.37
Lookout Mountain town 34.99 -85.35
Loretto city 35.08 -87.44
Loudon town 35.74 -84.36
Louisville city 35.83 -84.06
Luttrell town 36.21 -83.75
Lyles 35.92 -87.34
Lynchburg, Moore County 35.28 -86.36
metropolitan government
Lynnville town 35.38 -87.01
Madisonville city 35.52 -84.36
Manchester city 35.46 -86.08
Martin city 36.34 -88.85
Maryville city 35.75 -83.98
Mascot 36.07 -83.76
Mason town 35.41 -89.54
Maury City town 35.81 -89.22
Maynardville city 36.25 -83.81
McEwen city 36.11 -87.64
McKenzie city 36.14 -88.51
McLemoresville town 35.99 -88.58
McMinnville city 35.69 -85.78
Medina city 35.82 -88.79
Medon city 35.46 -88.86
Memphis city 35.1 -89.98
Michie town 35.06 -88.43
Middle Valley 35.19 -85.2
Middleton city 35.06 -88.89
Midtown 35.88 -84.57
Milan city 35.91 -88.76
Milledgeville town 35.38 -88.37
Millersville city 36.4 -86.71
Millington city 35.34 -89.89
Minor Hill city 35.04 -87.17
Mitchellville city 36.63 -86.54
Monteagle town 35.24 -85.85
Monterey town 36.14 -85.26
Mooresburg 36.35 -83.24
Morrison town 35.6 -85.91
Morristown city 36.2 -83.3
Moscow city 35.06 -89.39
Mosheim town 36.2 -82.96
Mount Carmel town 36.56 -82.66
Mount Juliet city 36.2 -86.52
Mount Pleasant city 35.55 -87.19
Mountain City town 36.47 -81.8
Mowbray Mountain 35.28 -85.22
Munford city 35.45 -89.81
Murfreesboro city 35.85 -86.41
Nashville-Davidson metropolitan 36.17 -86.78
government (balance)
New Deal 36.51 -86.56
New Hope city 35 -85.66
New Johnsonville city 36.02 -87.97
New Market town 36.11 -83.55
New Tazewell town 36.44 -83.61
New Union 35.53 -86.08
Newbern town 36.12 -89.27
Newport city 35.96 -83.2
Niota city 35.52 -84.55
Nolensville town 35.96 -86.68
Normandy town 35.45 -86.26
Norris city 36.21 -84.06
Oak Grove 36.42 -82.43
Oak Grove 36.57 -86.38
Oak Hill city 36.07 -86.79
Oak Ridge city 35.96 -84.29
Oakdale town 35.99 -84.56
Oakland town 35.23 -89.54
Obion town 36.26 -89.19
Oliver Springs town 36.04 -84.33
Olivet 35.2 -88.19
Oneida town 36.52 -84.51
Ooltewah 35.07 -85.05
Orlinda city 36.59 -86.7
Orme town 35.01 -85.8
Palmer town 35.36 -85.57
Paris city 36.29 -88.31
Park City 35.08 -86.58
Parker’s Crossroads city 35.79 -88.39
Parrottsville town 36.01 -83.09
Parsons city 35.65 -88.12
Pegram town 36.1 -87.06
Pelham 35.33 -85.87
Petersburg town 35.32 -86.64
Petros 36.1 -84.45
Philadelphia city 35.68 -84.4
Pigeon Forge city 35.8 -83.56
Pikeville city 35.6 -85.2
Pine Crest 36.3 -82.31
Piperton city 35.05 -89.61
Pittman Center town 35.76 -83.39
Plainview city 36.18 -83.79
Pleasant Hill town 35.98 -85.2
Pleasant View city 36.39 -87.05
Portland city 36.59 -86.52
Powells Crossroads town 35.18 -85.48
Pulaski city 35.19 -87.04
Puryear city 36.44 -88.33
Ramer city 35.07 -88.62
Red Bank city 35.11 -85.3
Red Boiling Springs city 36.53 -85.85
Riceville 35.39 -84.7
Ridgely town 36.26 -89.48
Ridgeside city 35.04 -85.25
Ridgetop city 36.4 -86.77
Ripley city 35.74 -89.54
Rives town 36.36 -89.05
Roan Mountain 36.19 -82.07
Robbins 36.35 -84.58
Rockford city 35.83 -83.94
Rockwood city 35.87 -84.67
Rogersville town 36.41 -83
Rossville town 35.03 -89.56
Rural Hill 36.12 -86.51
Rutherford town 36.13 -88.99
Rutledge town 36.28 -83.52
Sale Creek 35.39 -85.09
Saltillo town 35.38 -88.22
Samburg town 36.38 -89.35
Sardis town 35.44 -88.29
Saulsbury town 35.05 -89.09
Savannah city 35.22 -88.24
Scotts Hill town 35.52 -88.25
Selmer town 35.17 -88.6
Sevierville city 35.89 -83.57
Sewanee 35.2 -85.92
Seymour 35.88 -83.77
Shackle Island 36.38 -86.62
Sharon town 36.23 -88.83
Shelbyville city 35.5 -86.45
Signal Mountain town 35.14 -85.35
Silerton town 35.34 -88.81
Slayden town 36.29 -87.47
Smithville city 35.96 -85.82
Smyrna town 35.97 -86.52
Sneedville town 36.54 -83.21
Soddy-Daisy city 35.26 -85.17
Somerville town 35.23 -89.38
South Carthage town 36.24 -85.96
South Cleveland 35.11 -84.91
South Fulton city 36.49 -88.88
South Pittsburg city 35.02 -85.71
Sparta city 35.93 -85.47
Spencer town 35.74 -85.46
Spring City town 35.69 -84.86
Spring Hill city 35.74 -86.91
Springfield city 36.49 -86.87
Spurgeon 36.44 -82.46
St. Joseph city 35.03 -87.5
Stanton town 35.46 -89.4
Stantonville town 35.16 -88.43
Summertown 35.43 -87.31
Sunbright city 36.24 -84.68
Surgoinsville town 36.47 -82.86
Sweetwater city 35.6 -84.47
Tazewell town 36.46 -83.57
Telford 36.25 -82.55
Tellico Plains town 35.37 -84.3
Tellico Village 35.7 -84.27
Tennessee Ridge town 36.32 -87.76
Thompson’s Station town 35.81 -86.9
Three Way city 35.77 -88.86
Tiptonville town 36.39 -89.47
Toone town 35.36 -88.95
Townsend city 35.68 -83.75
Tracy City town 35.26 -85.75
Trenton city 35.97 -88.95
Trezevant town 36.01 -88.62
Trimble town 36.2 -89.19
Troy town 36.34 -89.16
Tullahoma city 35.37 -86.22
Tusculum city 36.18 -82.75
Unicoi town 36.22 -82.33
Union City city 36.43 -89.05
Unionville 35.61 -86.57
Vanleer town 36.24 -87.45
Viola town 35.54 -85.86
Vonore town 35.6 -84.24
Walden town 35.16 -85.31
Walland 35.73 -83.81
Walnut Grove 36.49 -86.61
Walnut Grove 35.05 -88.06
Walnut Hill 36.57 -82.27
Walterhill 35.96 -86.37
Wartburg city 36.1 -84.59
Wartrace town 35.53 -86.33
Watauga city 36.37 -82.29
Watertown city 36.1 -86.14
Waverly city 36.09 -87.79
Waynesboro city 35.32 -87.76
Westmoreland town 36.56 -86.24
White Bluff town 36.1 -87.21
White House city 36.46 -86.67
White Pine town 36.11 -83.3
Whiteville town 35.32 -89.15
Whitwell city 35.19 -85.52
Wildwood 35.8 -83.87
Wildwood Lake 35.09 -84.85
Williston city 35.16 -89.38
Winchester city 35.19 -86.11
Winfield town 36.56 -84.45
Woodbury town 35.82 -86.07
Woodland Mills city 36.48 -89.11
Wrigley 35.9 -87.35
Yorkville city 36.1 -89.12

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