Where is North Dakota located?

Situated in the western part of the north-central United States of America, North Dakota is the 17th largest state of the country.



The State of North Dakota is surrounded by Canada on its northern side, by Minnesota on its eastern side, by South Dakota on its southern side and by Montana on its western side. The coordinates of the state are 47.5° N, 100.5° W.

The total length of the boundary of North Dakota is 1,312 mi. North Dakota encompasses total area of 70,703 square miles. The state has total land area of 69,300 square miles and total inland water of 1,403 square miles. Situated at an altitude of 3,506 feet, White Butte is the highest point of the state. Red River at 750 feet is the lowest point of North Dakota.


Facts About North Dakota

State Name North Dakota
Continent North America
Country United State (USA)
Capital Bismarck
Largest city Fargo
Area 70,700 sq mi (183,272 km2)
Population 739,482 (2014 est)
Lat Long 47° 0′ 0″ N, 100° 0′ 0″ W
Official Language English
Calling Code 00 1 701 X (Bismarck), 00 1 701 X (Fargo)
Time Zone Central: UTC -6/-5 (most of state), Mountain: UTC -7/-6 (southwest)
Airport 7- Airports Scheduled Service
Neighbour State South Dakota, Montana, Minnesota
Internet TLD
Currency United State Dollar (USD)

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