North Dakota Counties

North Dakota Counties

by Vishul Malik

North Dakota Counties did always exist in the present form. The counties went through many different changes over the years. On March 2, 1861, The Dakota Territory was created from Nebraska and other unorganized territories. On May 28, 1864, land was received from Idaho Territory. In 1889 on November 2, the state of North Dakota entered the Union as the 39th state. The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Code of North Dakota is 38. When combined with any county code, the FIPS  code would be written as 38XXX. In 1975 North Dakota Association of Counties (NDACo) was formed.

How Many Counties in North Dakota

The US State of North Dakota is divided into 53 counties at present. Check this North Dakota County Map which provides the location of all 53 counties on the North Dakota Map.

Counties of North Dakota

Oldest and Newest Counties of North Dakota

The oldest and first county of North Dakota created in 1867 is Pembina County. The Newest and last County of North Dakota created in 1916 is Grant County.

Largest and smallest County by Area in North Dakota

McKenzie County is the largest county in North Dakota, covering an area of 2,742 square miles (7,100 km2). The smallest county in North Dakota is Eddy County, covering 632 square miles (1,640 km2). 

Best county to live in North Dakota 

The four best counties to live in North Dakota are Cass County, Burleigh  County, Grand Forks County and Barnes County.

Most populated and least populated county of North Dakota 

Population wise, Cass County is the most populated county (2020 census) in North Dakota, and Slope County is the least populated county (2020 census) in North Dakota.

Information about maps of all Counties of North Dakota

The maps of all fifty-three counties of North Dakota are available on the website describing facts about counties. The map shows the location of the county within the state, its county seat, state and county boundary. These maps can be used in multiple ways for various purposes.

Other than this, various other maps of North Dakota are also available on the website, such as: