New Mexico State Profile

Where is New Mexico? New Mexico is a state located in the southwest and western regions of the United States. It is bordered by Colorado on the north; by Oklahoma…

Where is New Mexico?

New Mexico is a state located in the southwest and western regions of the United States. It is bordered by Colorado on the north; by Oklahoma and Texas on the east; by Texas and the Mexican state of Chihuahua on the south; and it borders Arizona on the west.

What is the capital of New Mexico?

Santa Fe is the capital of New Mexico. With an area of 37.4 square miles, it is the fourth-largest city in the state.

What is the largest city in New Mexico?

Covering an area of 181.3 square miles, Albuquerque is the largest city in New Mexico, United States. The city had an estimated population of 545,852 as of the 2010 Census.

How big is New Mexico?

New Mexico is the fifth-largest state in the United States covering an area of 121,589 square miles.

What is the nickname of New Mexico?

The official nickname of New Mexico is ″Land of Enchantment.″ It was adopted in 1999. The nickname describes the scenic beauty and the rich history of the state. The words ″Land of Enchantment″ are found in automobile license plates and in state publications to promote tourism.

Who are the political leaders of New Mexico?

Governor – Susana Martinez Lieutenant Governor – John Sanchez

When did New Mexico achieve statehood?

New Mexico is the forty-seventh state of the United States; it was admitted to the Union on January 6, 1912. The state was ruled by Spain for many years. It was in 1821, following the Mexican War of Independence, that Spain gained independence from the Spanish rule and became a separate territory. It was granted statehood very late in 1912.

What is the economy of New Mexico like?

Major part of the revenue in New Mexico comes from the federal government; it is the largest employer in the state. New Mexico ranks third in the United States in oil and gas production. Tourism is an important driving force of the economy of the state. In 2010 New Mexico had a gross domestic product of $79.7 billion. As of August 2011, the unemployment rate in the state was 6.6%.Much of New Mexico′s income is derived its mining industry. The state leads in the production of uranium ore, potash, manganese ore, copper ore, and natural gas.

What is the official language of New Mexico?

New Mexico does not have any official language. Spanish and English are used for legal and administrative purposes. Navajo is an indigenous language spoken in the state.

What are the main religions practiced in New Mexico?

Christianity is the most widely followed religion in New Mexico. The largest denomination is the Roman Catholic Church followed by the Southern Baptist Convention, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the United Methodist Church. There are minorities of Jews and Buddhists in the state.

What are the famous places in New Mexico?

New Mexico is a beautiful state and is home to many unique attractions like the White Sands National Monument, Sumner Lake State Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Aztec Ruins National Monument, Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument, and the Bandelier National Monument. The Siesta Key Beach in the state is an awesome place.

What are the state symbols of New Mexico?

  • State Animal:

     The black bear (Ursus americanus) is the official state animal of New Mexico; it was designated the state animal in 1963. The animal is also a state symbol in West Virginia and Louisiana.

  • State Bird:

     New Mexico designated the roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) the official state bird in 1949. It is also called the chaparral bird, and is found in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.

  • State Flower:

     The blossom of the desert yucca plant was designated the official state flower of New Mexico in 1927. It was chosen by by the schoolchildren of the state and recommended by the New Mexico Federation of Women’s Clubs.

  • State Flag:

     The official state flag of New Mexico was adopted in 1920. It was designed by an archaeologist Dr. Harry Mera. The flag presents an ancient Sun symbol called a Zia. Yellow and red colors are used in the flag as these were the official colors of Spanish conquistadors, who traversed the state in the early sixteenth century.

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