Where is Montana Located?

  The state of Montana covers a total area of 147,046 sq miles, with cities like Helena, Great Falls, Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Kalispell arrayed in the 56 counties throughout. Neighbor…

Where is Montana Located?


The state of Montana covers a total area of 147,046 sq miles, with cities like Helena, Great Falls, Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Kalispell arrayed in the 56 counties throughout.

Neighbor to South and North Dakota on the east, the state shares its northern border with the Canadian states of Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. Idaho abuts Montana on the west, and both Wyoming and Idaho share the southern border of Montana.

The geographical location of Montana is 47.0° N and 110.0° W. Neighbor to South and North Dakota on the east, the state shares its northern border with the Canadian states of Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. Idaho abuts Montana on the west, and both Wyoming and Idaho share the southern border of Montana.

Locations in the Map


Canada, Mexico.


Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean

Facts About Montana

State Name Montana
Continent North America
Country United States (USA)
Capital Helena
Largest city Billings
Area 147,040 sq mi (380,800 km2)
Population 1,023,579 (2014 est)
Lat Long 47° 0′ 0″ N, 110° 0′ 0″ W
Official Language English
Calling Code 00 1 406 X (Helena), 00 1 406 X (Billings)
Time Zone Mountain: UTC -7/-6
Airport 13- Airports (Commercial Service)
Neighbour State Wyoming, North Dakota, Idaho, South Dakota
Internet TLD NA
Currency United States Dollar (USD)

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