Where is Idaho Located?

The State of Idaho is located in the northwestern region of the United States of America.

Idaho Location Map


About the Location of Idaho

Idaho encompasses total area of 216,431 square kilometer which includes 213,447 square kilometer of total land area and 2,984 square kilometer of total inland water area. Idaho is surrounded by British Columbia of Canada on its northern border, by Montana on its northeastern border, by Wyoming on its eastern border, by Nevada and Utah on its southern border and by Washington and Oregon on its western border.

Idaho is 491 kilometer long on the east-west direction and 771 kilometer long on the north-south direction.

Railway Maps of different States of USA

State Name Idaho
Continent North America
Country United State (USA)
Capital and largest city Boise
Area 83,570 sq mi (216,632 km2)
Population 1,634,464 (2014 est)
Lat Long 45° 0′ 0″ N, 114° 0′ 0″ W
Official Language English
Calling Code 00 1 208 X
Time Zone Pacific Time Zone (UTC-08:00) Mountain Time Zone (UTC-07:00)
Airport 6– Commercial Airports
Neighbour State Montana, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Oregon, Nevada
Internet TLD
Currency United State Dollar (USD)

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