Wisconsin Zip Code Map

Wisconsin Zip Code Map

by usavishul

Wisconsin Zip Code Map

Wisconsin Zip Codes map shows the state internal boundaries along with the overlay of zip codes for all counties, cities and towns.
Rollover on Wisconsin zip code map to zoom in

Wisconsin zip codes are five digit postal codes that begin with the digit 5. Zip codes in Wisconsin help you find out various cities and other places in the state of Wisconsin.

If you know the city name, you can use it to know the specific zip code of that city. At the same time, if you have a zip code, you can use it to find out which cities belong to that particular zip code.

A simple example will make things clear. If you want to know the zip code for Green Bay city, just enter the name and click on the submit button of the zip code database website.

There are 72 counties in the state of Wisconsin and they have individual area codes.