Cumberland Zip Code Map, Maine

Cumberland Zip Code Map features all the zip codes of Cumberland County. Find here the list of all zip codes of Cumberland County with their cities.
Cumberland Zip Code Map, Maine

You can buy the above map in a high quality print on paper, laminated and matte plastic in different sizes. You can also customize the above map by selecting the area of your choice and changing the orientation in landsacpe or portrait. You can do this with our custom map tool for any zip code area on These maps use the most up to date data from TomTom and are updated every six months.

Maps of Nearby Counties

State County City Zipcode
Maine CumberlandBailey Island 4003
Maine CumberlandBridgton 4009
Maine CumberlandBrunswick 4011
Maine CumberlandBustins Island 4013
Maine CumberlandCasco 4015
Maine CumberlandChebeague Island 4017
Maine CumberlandCliff Island 4019
Maine CumberlandCumberland Center 4021
Maine CumberlandEast Baldwin 4024
Maine CumberlandSebago 4029
Maine CumberlandFreeport 4032
Maine CumberlandFreeport 4033
Maine CumberlandFreeport 4034
Maine CumberlandGorham 4038
Maine CumberlandGray 4039
Maine CumberlandHarrison 4040
Maine CumberlandLong Island 4050
Maine CumberlandNaples 4055
Maine CumberlandNorth Bridgton 4057
Maine CumberlandWindham 4062
Maine CumberlandOrrs Island 4066
Maine CumberlandPownal 4069
Maine CumberlandScarborough 4070
Maine CumberlandRaymond 4071
Maine CumberlandScarborough 4074
Maine CumberlandSebago Lake 4075
Maine CumberlandSouth Casco 4077
Maine CumberlandSouth Freeport 4078
Maine CumberlandHarpswell 4079
Maine CumberlandSouth Windham 4082
Maine CumberlandStandish 4084
Maine CumberlandSteep Falls 4085
Maine CumberlandWest Baldwin 4091
Maine CumberlandWestbrook 4092
Maine CumberlandYarmouth 4096
Maine CumberlandNorth Yarmouth 4097
Maine CumberlandWestbrook 4098
Maine CumberlandPortland 4101
Maine CumberlandPortland 4102
Maine CumberlandPortland 4103
Maine CumberlandPortland 4104
Maine CumberlandFalmouth 4105
Maine CumberlandSouth Portland 4106
Maine CumberlandCape Elizabeth 4107
Maine CumberlandPeaks Island 4108
Maine CumberlandPortland 4109
Maine CumberlandCumberland Foreside 4110
Maine CumberlandPortland 4112
Maine CumberlandSouth Portland 4116
Maine CumberlandPortland 4122
Maine CumberlandPortland 4123
Maine CumberlandPortland 4124
Maine CumberlandNew Gloucester 4260

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