Wyoming National Parks Map

Wyoming has 10 national parks, historic sites/trails/monuments, and recreation areas. It is home to two designated national parks including Yellowstone (the first national park in the US) and Grand Teton. Wyoming offers you the first national monument (Devils Tower) and also the first national forest (Shoshone) in the United States. Besides, there are 25 national historic landmarks.
Wyoming National Parks Map

Description:Map shows location of all the major national parks in Wyoming state of USA.


Discover the most iconic landmarks and wilderness areas of Wyoming. Enjoy the breathtaking canyon walls, otherworldly rock formations, jagged peaks, and colorful pools. Adventure seekers can take in the beauty of the most pristine landscapes in the US. Take a break from your mundane lives and give a visit to the national parks of Wyoming.

National Parks in Wyoming USA

S. No Name Area Established Location
1 Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area 120,296.22 acres (48,682.15 ha) Oct 15, 1966 Big Horn and Carbon counties, Montana & Big Horn County, Wyoming, USA
2 Yellowstone National Park 2,219,791 acres (3,468.423 sq mi; 898,318 ha; 8,983.18 km2) Mar 1, 1872 Park County, Wyoming, Teton County, Wyoming
3 Grand Teton National Park 310,000 acres (480 sq mi; 130,000 ha; 1,300 km2) 26. Feb. 1929 Teton County, Wyoming, USA


What National Park is in Wyoming?


  1. Yellowstone National Park, ID, MT, WY

    The Yellowstone National Park, the first national park in the United States, was established on March 1, 1872. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the Natural category. You can enjoy the unique hydrothermal and geologic wonders at Yellowstone spread over 2.2 million acres of land.

    It is spread across 5 counties including Park County (Wyoming), Teton County (Wyoming), Gallatin County (Montana), Park County (Montana), and Fremont County (Idaho). Yellowstone national park’s hot springs appear as colorful jewels amongst the snow in winter.

    Being one of the most popular national parks in the United States, around 4.2 million tourists visit this place every year. You will find the largest high-elevation lakes on the continent in Yellowstone national park. Natural geysers, the most unique geothermal features of the park, are a must-visit for nature lovers. The most popular geyser in this national park is Faithful Geyser. Enjoy sightseeing, camping, hiking, boating, fishing, and a wide range of other recreational activities. Yellowstone National Park’s physical address is 2 Officers Row, Yellowstone National Park Headquarters, Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190. It is spread across 3,500 square miles (9,065 sq km) in the northwest corner of Wyoming. There are 5 entrance stations. During winter, several entrances remain closed to regular vehicles.

    Yellowstone has five entrance stations and several remain closed to regular vehicles during winter. It takes many hours to drive between these entrances, so be sure to check the status of roads at the entrance you intend to use while planning your trip and before you arrive.

    The Yellowstone National Park Annual Pass is US$70. The entrance fees vary. The entrance fees for individuals on foot/bicycle, motorcycle/snowmobile, and private, non-commercial vehicles are US$20, US$30, and US$35 respectively.

  2. Grand Teton National Park, Moose, WY

    Grand Teton National Park is named and centered on the tallest mountain in the Teton Range, the Grand Teton. It is spread across a total area of 310,000 acres. The most important part of this park is the 11,000-year-old history of human settlement found here. This region was first settled by the Paleo-Indians.

    Grand Teton National Park boasts of a pristine ecosystem, consisting of flora and fauna species that have been cohabitating here since prehistoric times till today. You can explore over 200 miles (322 km) of trails, enjoy the serenity of the national park, and float the Snake River.

    Its physical address is 103 Headquarters Loop, Moose, WY 83012. The park experiences long and cold winters with snowfall and frost common in any possible month. From December to April, it remains sunny during the daytime and frigid during nighttime. The mountains and valleys remain blanketed by snow during these 5 months.

    The days remain mild and nights cool during April-to-June. In July and August, the days remain warm followed by cool nights. Thundershowers are common during the afternoons. During September-to-November, the days remain sunny and nights cold. Rain and occasional snowstorm also take place during these three months.

    The Grand Teton Annual Pass is US$70. The entrance fees vary. The entrance fees for individuals on foot/bicycle, motorcycle/snowmobile, and private, non-commercial vehicles are US$20, US$30, and US$35 respectively.

Best National Monuments and Historic Sites in Wyoming


  1. Devils Tower National Monument, Devils Tower, WY

    Devils Tower National Monument, also known as Bear Lodge Butte, is situated in Crook County. This laccolithic butte made from igneous rock is situated within the Bear Lodge Mountains. Commonly known as Devil’s Tower, this national monument is one of the six units of the national park service sites in Wyoming.

    President Theodore Roosevelt declared it a national monument in 1906. Most of the 1,346 acres of land in Devils Tower National Monument are made up of sedimentary rocks. Archaeologists have found Triassic period rocks here that are around 200 million years old. The Devil’s Tower is formed due to a natural process called an igneous intrusion. Devils Tower National Monument is visited by less than half a million tourists every year.

  2. Fossil Butte National Monument, Kemmerer, WY

    If you are fascinated by the prehistoric fossils, the flat-topped ridges of the cold sagebrush desert in southwestern Wyoming is the place you should visit. You’ll find fossilized fishes, mammals, birds, reptiles, plants, and insects in abundance in Fossil Butte National Monument. These fossils tell you a story of an ancient life that existed in a subtropical landscape.

  3. Fort Laramie National Historic Site, Southeast Wyoming, WY

    Fort Laramie National Historic Site was originally a private fur trading fort in 1834. Before being abandoned in 1890, it was the largest military post on the Northern Plains. This “grand old post” has been a witness to the western expansion of America and the bold resistance of encroachments of their territories by the Indians.


Best National Recreation Area in Wyoming

  1. Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, Fort Smith, MT, WY

    Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area offers you a vast and wild landscape to explore. Spread across a total area of more than 120,000 acres, it provides you a vast expanse of the natural world. This national recreation area has a vibrant ecosystem, a wide array of wildlife, and over 10,000 years of human history.


Best National Historic Trail in Wyoming


  1. California National Historic Trail, Various States including CA, CO, ID, KS, MO, NE, NV, OR, UT, WY

    The California National Historic Trail is more than 5,000 miles (8,047 km) long, covering portions of ten US states. During the 1840s and 1850s, it was witness to the greatest mass migration in American history. More than 250,000 emigrants traveled to the goldfields and rich farmlands of California. Witness a rich history unfold before you along the 1,000 miles (1,609 km) of the travelers’ ruts, traces, and their overland wagons.

  2. Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail, Various States including IL, IA, NE, UT, WY

    This historic trail witnessed how the Mormons fled Illinois’ Nauvoo during 1846-1847 and went to the Great Salt Lake Valley. Explore the 1,300-mile (2,092 km) route traveled by Mormons. Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail has crossed five US states. Explore the hardships the Mormons had to experience to escape persecution in the East.

  3. Oregon National Historic Trail, Various States ID, KS, MO, NE, OR, WA, WY

    If you want to explore the triumphs, struggles, and sacrifices made by the early American settlers, explore the 2,000 miles (3,219 km) of trail ruts and traces along this national historic trail. Oregon National Historic Trail goes through 6 US states. It offers you an opportunity to get a sneak peek of the past. The promises of lush farmlands and a new beginning lured the early settlers to leave their homes and walk for weeks for a better future.

  4. Pony Express National Historic Trail, Various States CA, CO, KS, MO, NE, NV, UT, WY

    Pony Express National Historic Trail goes through 8 US states. It showcases the fastest means of communication between east and west in those bygone days. It took 10-days for young men to carry mail on horses from Missouri to California in unprecedented time. Before the advent of the telegraph, this relay system was the most practical way of east-west communication.

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