
Vice President James S. Sherman

James S. Sherman had been the Vice President of the United States. He was indeed one of the remarkable political figures of the United States. This great personality was born on 24th October, 1855 in Utica, New York. His father was Richard Updike Sherman.

James Schoolcraft Sherman nicknamed “Sunny Jim” graduated himself in 1878 from Hamilton College.

In 1886, […]

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Vice President Martin Van Buren

Martin Van Buren nicknamed as Old Kinder hook was born on December 5, 1782 and was the eighth President of the United States from 1837 to 1841.

Before becoming the President Martin Van Buren served as the eighth Vice President from 1833 to1837. He was also the 10th Secretary of State under the supervision Andrew Jackson. Martin Van Buren was one of the founders of the Democratic Party, and […]

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Vice President Hannibal Hamlin

Hannibal Hamlin was the Vice President of America during the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln. Hannibal Hamlin was a student at the District School and later joined his fathers farm.

In the following years he switched jobs frequently which included, cook, surveyor, manager of a weekly newspaper in Paris,schoolmaster, woodcutter, and a compositor at a printer’s office. After studying Law Hannibal Hamlin was admitted […]

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Vice President Gerald Ford

The full name of George M. Dallas was George Mifflin Dallas. In the year 1810, George M Dallas completed his graduation from New Jersey College. George M. Dallas became the 11th Vice President of United States.

His tenure as a Vice President was from 4th March, 1845 to 4th March, 1849.At that time James Knox Polk was the […]

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Vice President Daniel D. Tompkins

Daniel D. Tompkins took the Oath of Office as the Vice President of United States of America in the year 1817. Daniel D. Tompkins was also the President of the Society for Encouragement of American Manufacturers.

Daniel D. Tompkins got involved more into New York politics and could not stay in Washington for longer periods while serving the tenure. During his tenure he tried hard […]

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Vice President Dick Cheney

Richard Bruce “Dick” Cheney was born on 30th January 1941. Dick Cheney is the current Vice President of the United States of America. He is the forty-sixth Vice President of the United States of America. Dick Cheney is serving the position from 20th January 2001.

Dick Cheney has been involved actively in politics since 1969, when he was an intern in […]

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Vice President Dan Quayle

The full name of Dan Quayle was James Danforth “Dan” Quayle. Dan Quayle became the 44th Vice President of United States of America. He completed his tenure as a Vice President from 20th January 1989 to 20th January 1993.

When he was the Vice President, George H. W.Bush ( 1989-1993) was the President of USA. His father was a publisher […]

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Vice President George M. Dallas

The full name of George M. Dallas was George Mifflin Dallas. In the year 1810, George M Dallas completed his graduation from New Jersey College. George M. Dallas became the 11th Vice President of United States.

His tenure as a Vice President was from 4th March, 1845 to 4th March, 1849.At that time James Knox Polk […]

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Vice President George Clinton

George Clinton served the nation as the United States of America’s fourth Vice President from 4th March, 1805. George Clinton served a double tenure of Vice President, first from 1805 to 1809 and the second tenure from 1809 to 1812.

Under Thomas Jefferson, George Clinton was the second Vice President after Aaron Burr to serve his tenure.

George Clinton was the most prominent opponent figure of the […]

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Vice President George Bush

George Herbert Walker Bush (1981-1989) was born on 12 June 1924 in Milton, Massachusetts and is the 41st president of US .

Before entering politics, George Bush senior was an employee in the oil industry, and also as head of the Zapata Off-Shore Company. In 1966 George Herbert Walker Bush gained his first major platform to enter politics after he was elected […]

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