
Vice President Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson was a Vise President of the United States of America with Abraham Lincoln as the President. Andrew Johnsonwas born in the year 1808 in Raleigh, North Carolina.Due to the acute poverty of his family Andrew Johnson was placed as an apprentice under a tailor at a very young age.

The evolution of Andrew Johnson into politics a lot due to his oratory. The adept […]

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Vice President Charles Dawes

Charles Daweshad been one of the most remarkable names in the political scenario of the United States. He was born on 27th August 1865 in Marietta, Washington, Ohio. He was the grandson of William Dawes.

Dawes’ father, Rufus Dawes, had been a Civil War veteran who had served as a Republican for one term in the […]

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Vice President Charles Fairbanks (1905-1909)

Charles Fairbanks (1905-1909) was the twenty sixth Vice President of the United States of America succeeding Theodore Roosevelt. He took on the charge of the US Vice Presidency on 4th March, 1905 and completed his term till March 4, 1909.

His full name is Charles Warren Fairbanks. He was born in a log cabin near Unionville Center […]

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Vice President Dan Quayle

The full name of Dan Quayle was James Danforth “Dan” Quayle. Dan Quayle became the 44th Vice President of United States of America. He completed his tenure as a Vice President from 20th January 1989 to 20th January 1993.

When he was the Vice President, George H. W.Bush ( 1989-1993) was the President of USA. His father was a publisher […]

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Vice President Chester Arthur

Chester Arthurwas the twentieth Vice President of the United States of America. Born in the year 1892, Fairfield in Franklin County, Vermont was the home town of Chester Arthur.

Much of Chester Arthur’s boyhood days were spent in Perry, New York and he had already started showing traces of leadership talents. Chester Arthur served as a Perry, New York for some time and then […]

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Vice President George M. Dallas

The full name of George M. Dallas was George Mifflin Dallas. In the year 1810, George M Dallas completed his graduation from New Jersey College. George M. Dallas became the 11th Vice President of United States.

His tenure as a Vice President was from 4th March, 1845 to 4th March, 1849.At that time James Knox Polk […]

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Vice President Garret Hobart

The twenty fourth Vice President of the United States of America was Garret Hobart (1897-1901). His full name was Garret Augustus Hobart. He took birth on 3rd June in the year of 1844 at Long Branch in New Jersey.

He reached his adulthood from the Marlboro Township. He earned his graduation from Rutgers College in 1863. He was […]

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Vice President Hannibal Hamlin

Hannibal Hamlin was the Vice President of America during the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln. Hannibal Hamlin was a student at the District School and later joined his fathers farm.

In the following years he switched jobs frequently which included, cook, surveyor, manager of a weekly newspaper in Paris,schoolmaster, woodcutter, and a compositor at a printer’s office. After studying Law Hannibal Hamlin was admitted […]

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Vice President Elbridge Gerry

Elbridge Gerry (1813-1814) became the fifth Vice President of United States of America in the year 1813 on March 4th. He started serving the tenure after the office was left vacant by George Clinton, when he died on 20th April, 1912.

Elbridge Thomas Gerry was born on 17th July, 1744 in Marblehead in Massachusetts. Elbridge Thomas Gerry died in the year 1814, on […]

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Vice President George Clinton

George Clinton served the nation as the United States of America’s fourth Vice President from 4th March, 1805. George Clinton served a double tenure of Vice President, first from 1805 to 1809 and the second tenure from 1809 to 1812.

Under Thomas Jefferson, George Clinton was the second Vice President after Aaron Burr to serve his tenure.

George Clinton was the most prominent opponent figure of the […]

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