Europe Travel Information

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Europe Among the seven continents of the world, continent of Europe is the second-smallest in terms of area. Though it accounts for only two percent of the surface area of the Earth, it’s the third-highest populated continent, only after Asia and Africa. Every eleven out of hundred people are an inhabitant of the continent of Europe.

Also see : Map of Europe

Continent of Europe
Continent of Europe is surrounded by seas and oceans. To the north is the Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. Many of the developed nations form part of the European continent. Some of them are Russia, Ukraine, France, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Italy, UK, Switzerland, Vatican City and others. All these European countries are great places to travel. We provide you the best travel agencies and tour companies that offer great Europe tour packages for you and your family.

A vacation in Europe is really exciting. You can see the abundant water bodies, oceans, seas, beautiful lakes, dense forest coverage, the enthralling rainforests, the Scandinavian an Russian taigas, the magic of Caucasus mountains or the wonderful Black Sea.

Some of the regions of Europe gives you the serenity of untouched wilderness. In today’s world of modernization, Europe still maintains a forest cover over more than one quarter of its land. Make it a point not to miss the beauties of the Cork oak forests in the western part of the Mediterranean.

There are by and large four divisions in which the entire landmass of Europe can be separated. Although they are not very rigid classifications, they nevertheless facilitate in easy understanding of the Europe. Each year, travelers from all around the world flock to different parts of Europe. The natural diversity of Europe, its tradition, culture, literature, festivals and cuisines add to the attractions.

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Europe Tourist Attractions


Eiffel Tower

St. Peter’s Basilica

The Buckingham Palace

Sagrada Familia

Leaning Tower Of Pisa

Tower of London

British Museum

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Europe Major Cities




Vatican City

Classical Weimar



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