Bremen Roland in Germany

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Bremen Roland : Statue of Roland in the market square of Bremen, Germany

Bremen Roland is a famous statue of Roland in the market square, or Rathausplatz, of Bremen, Germany. Roland was a knight of the first Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne, and a hero of the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, in which he died. Roland became a paladin of Charlemagne’s court, one of 12 warriors found in French literature’s “Matter of France.”

Roland stands in the center of the town, next to the town hall and the city cathedral. The statue depicts Roland as the protector of the city, as he valiantly holds a sword and a shield with the two-headed Imperial eagle, a symbol of Germany. The shield is inscribed with a declaration translating to: “I manifest your freedom, as granted to this city by Charlemagne and many other rulers. For this, be thankful to God, that is my counsel.”

The Bremen Roland statue is a symbol for freedom and market rights, thus his location is adjacent to the marketplace. Though there are other similar Roland statues around Germany, the Bremen statue became a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of the exemplary style of the earliest of these statues.

The dress of the young man portrayed in the statue along with long wavy hair is reminiscent of the 15th century fashion. A lute-playing angel rests on the catch of his belt. Roland’s facing the cathedral, the seat of the archbishop has been an issue of dispute for centuries. It is because Ronald became the first Holy Roman Emperor over Bremen and symbolically challenged the clergy.

Bremen Roland Location Map

Facts about Bremen Roland

  • The Bremen Roland statue was built in 1404.
  • The statue itself is 5.47 meters (18 feet) tall, resting atop the 60 centimeter (24 inch) rostrum.
  • The statue was carved out of limestone, though a previous statue had been made of wood, it burnt down in 1366.

Where is Bremen Roland ?

The statue of Roland is located in Bremen which is in northwest Germany. Bremen is home to an international airport and a strong network of public transportation, which includes street trains (S-Bahn) around town and to nearby areas.

Best time to visit

Spring and early summer are popular times to visit Bremen, when the weather is at its best and it is less crowded. Later in the summer, the temperatures rise and rain is frequent. Bremen is also a destination for skiing. Therefore, December through March are popular times to visit for those who also want to appreciate the snowy mountains on their trip.

More about Bremen Roland

Nearby Attractions: Bremen Cathedral, Bremer Rathaus, Roselius House Museum, and Sankt Martini Kirche.

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