5 Unique & Strange Forests in the World

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Some people love the character Tarzan and desire a similar life with no worries to earn. All you need to do is to gather food and enjoy life in the lap of nature. Indeed, the early man used to live like that only, but modern people have got entangled in the clutches of money and have become used to a life of comfort and luxury. If you too have the desire of experiencing a different life, then you may plan a tour to any of the unusual forests listed below. Some of these forests may not be suitable for a visit, but for an adventure freak, there is no place that cannot be visited. Have a look at them:

Crooked Forest: Not at all crooked!

Crooked Forest In Poland

Popular folklore has it that the forest is cursed or there is some weird or black magic in the forest. However, nothing of that sort has been reported in the forest. The Crooked Forest featuring weird-shaped trees is located in western Poland. There are around 400 pine trees in the forest. All these trees grow with a 90-degree bend at the point where the trunk shoots up from the ground. It is said that some tool or technique devised by early humans was deployed to give the trees such a shape. Unfortunately, the reason for this is not yet known.

Aokigahara Forest: Swarm in the sea of trees

Aokigahara Forest in Japan

Aokigahara forest in the northwest part of Mount Fuji, Japan, is also known as ‘sea of trees’ or the ‘forest of suicides’. It is a relatively quiet forest as the density of trees is very high and the trees block winds. It is a very dark place lit only by a collection of sunbeams. There is no wildlife in this forest. The suicide rate in this forest has seen an increase after 2011. This is a creepy place, so visit it at your own risk. Japanese mythology suggests that the forest has an association with the demons. It was used for the practice of ‘ubasute’, a custom of leaving the elderly relative to die in a remote location. Rocky and icy caverns are a popular place among visitors.

Hoia-Baciu Forest: The Bermuda Triangle of Romania

Hoia-Baciu is a beautiful place, but it is notoriously known for being haunted. According to a legend, a shepherd went in the forest with 200 sheep and he never returned. The forest was named after him. Many people have reported of paranormal activity in the forest. Some have even said that they have suffered injuries. You may also encounter something alien in the forest. In 1960s, the biologist Alexandru Sift accidentally snapped some incredible photos of a disc-shaped unexplainable object flying in the sky above the woods. Creepy place! Isn’t it?

Stone Forest: A grove of seemingly petrified trees

Stone Forest in China

The Stone Forest or Shilin in China is a natural marvel. The stone formations composed of limestone appear like trees that seempetrified. Two out of the seven notable sites in the forest: the Naigu Stone Forest and Suogeyi Village were designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2007. These are fine examples of karsts topography (rock formations that are formed by dissolution of the layers of soluble rocks).

Quiver Tree Forest: A shocked-tree forest

Quiver Tree Forest in Namibia

The Quiver Tree Forest or Kokerboom Woud in southern Namibia, houses 250 specimens of the Aloe dichotoma tree. This unique forest became a national monument in 1995. It appears as if the trees were given some electric shock. Their branches have risen over the years seeming to reachup towards heaven and leaves have shrunk to form spikes that look like quivers. These trees grow upon the rocks.

Related: Malbork Castle in Poland | Forbidden City In China

Image Credits : Asbb , AjariChenyunThomas Schoch

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