5 Unique Museums Around The World

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You must have visited art museums and galleries on your travels. Have you ever thought of visiting some of the unique museums of the World? If ‘Yes’, then awesome! If ‘No’, then you are surely missing something. Here are the top five unique museums that you could check out on your next holiday:

International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico

Entrance to International UFO Museum and Research Center (Image Credit : Jami Dwyer)

Even if you are a skeptic or a believer, the International UFO Museum and Research Center provides ample evidence to make you believe that UFOs exist. Exhibiting a record from the much debated flying-saucer crash in Roswell in 1947, along with allied information on UFO sightings, photos of alleged UFOs, and letters from witnesses, the museum is a must-visit destination. The museum opens on all days from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The entry ticket to the museum costs $5 per person. You can buy souvenirs at the UFO gift shop that sells toys, books, DVDs-CDs, jewelery, glassware, etc.

Iceland Phallological Museum, Iceland

Exhibits at the Iceland Phallological Museum, Iceland (Image Credit : Thomas WF)

The Iceland Phallological Museum in Husavik is the only museum in the world to exhibit a collection of animal penile tissue specimens. Either you will feel disgusted or intrigued by the display in the land of ice and fire. The phallus exhibits belong to the mammals found in Iceland. If we count the numbers, we will see that only few animal species are there in Iceland. The museum has over one hundred penises and penile parts that belong to all the sea and land mammals. Interestingly, a 92-year-old person has volunteered to give a legally-certified gift to the museum to keep it as an exhibit under the Homo sapiens category that is currently missing in the museum.

Museum of Witchcraft, Cornwall

Museum of Witchcraft, Cornwall (Image Credit : Juwel)

Established in 1951, the Museum of Witchcraft in Cornwall attracts those who want to know about the occult. If you have the spirit of the protagonist Dr. Faustus in Christopher Marlowe’s play “Dr. Faustus” or you have an inner urge to indulge yourself in the occult, then you may browse through the library of over 3,000 books on witchcraft. Casting spells in public is prohibited in the museum. Cecil Williamson is the mastermind behind this museum. The British intelligence agency MI6 hired Williamson as an undercover agent to gather information on the occult pursuits of heading Nazi military officers. Various exhibits at the Museum of Witchcraft include dolls (used to hurt others), or antique dipping chairs (used to prove whether a woman was a witch). The museum has an extensive collection of the darker side, involving everything from devil worship and satanism to the persecution of witches.

Pattaya Museum of Bottle Art, Thailand

I guess people behind the creation of the Pattaya Mueseum of Bottle Art in Thailand were inspired by Aladdin’s magical oil-lamp. If a genie can come out of the lamp, why can’t artistic creations be featured inside a bottle? The wonderful museum exhibits more than 300 miniature models of famous landmarks in the world and Thailand. The tour of the museum begins with a video introduction of the founders of the museum and the process of making miniature models inside the bottles. After the video tour, you will be guided to see the amazing exhibits of various temples, vessels, churches, and some of the major tourist attractions in the world.

Museum of Funeral Carriages, Barcelona

Whether you call it weird or interesting, it is certainly unique! The Museum of Funeral Carriages, Barcelona, exhibits ornate carriages and evokes an eerie feeling. The carriages belonging to the 18th century and are manned by dummies. If you are a hyper-emotional person, you must think before visiting this macabre museum, whose memories may haunt you at night. However, if you are someone who sees beauty in all artistic forms, then you must visit this museum for a different experience. The museum also houses 2,000 books concerning funeral rites of various civilizations dating from Prehistoric times till today.

Hope you enjoyed reading about these unique museums and would mark them as a travel destination for your next holiday.

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