Sydney – First Impressions

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Images and Impressions – Sydney

  • Airport is quick
  • Immigration is friendly
  • Custom is not a  hassle
  • Locating a taxi stand can be a headache
  • Taxis overcharge and taxi drivers do play games
  • Exit from airport is good
  • Jaywalking is somewhere between an exception and a norm
  • Sydney is not a “white” city
  • The heart of the city has sizable number of Asians
  • Sydney is built on hills, it is not flat
  • Few of the old buildings could well be in London or Kolkata (India)
  • It looks like city is not bothered about its history and heritage buildings, many are defaced and poorly maintained.
  • It does get cold in July/August out here
  • The city is not safe
  • Racism exists
  • It is not safe to walk alone after 9:00 pm in many parts of the city for a traveler, especially one that doesn’t look like a resident
  • Yes, there was Mr. Sydney – Lord Sydney. It is on his name that the city was named.
  • Everyone wants you to see Bondi Beach, Blue Mountains, Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge
  • Local brands are very popular and established
  • Heineken and even Fosters are not that popular when it comes to beer
  • Area around the central railway station is referred to as CBD (Central Business District)
  • Sydney CBD doesn’t look like a wealthy and prosperous place by today’s standards
  • In Sydney CBD, every 3rd person appears to be of Asian descent (mostly Chinese)
  •  The city speaks the language of cricket

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