Grill’d – Looks Great, Taste – No Great Shakes

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Looks Great, Tastes Just Above Average

Quick Review:

Restaurant? Grill’d at CBD World Square, 644 George Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

What? Tuscan Delight Chicken Burger

How Much? Australian $ 16.7 (12.5+3.5+.7)

Fries? They saved the meal, very delicious. They were thick-cut, they prefer to call them chips, I would insist they were fries. They were crispy and light. I could make out a few herbs which were sprinkled on them – basil and thyme were surely there.

Herbed Mayo? Yummy!

Tuscan Chicken Delight Burger? Buns were great. Pesto was great. Bell peppers were well grilled. Lettuce was fresh. Grilled Chicken breast was too thin and was definitely not juicy. So you had most great things around a lousy piece of chicken.

Would I go there again? No. Done with.

Do I recommend? Yes, if you wish to have a  burger and (like me) would like to avoid McDonald’s and this is the place which is in your vicinity.

Rating? 3/5

Fact: A blogger from team visited the above place at 6:59 PM on August 3/2013. He was issued a receipt number: 173101480


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