Dutch Crunch Bread Recipe / Tijgerbrood Recipe

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Dutch Crunch Bread

Learn how to cook Dutch Crunch Bread

Traditional Netherlands cuisine is biased towards carbohydrates due to heavy labor society, however the modern cuisine is more influenced by the European region. Breads, cheese, potatoes and meats are still used with vegetables for most of the meals. Although a small country by area, the cuisine changes from north to south and east to west. Some of the common dishes from Netherlands include Metworst (dried sausage with a strong taste), Edam, Gouda and other types of Cheese, Hachee (stew of beef and onions), Sea food such as Oysters, Mussels and Shrimps, premium meat cuts like Varkenshaas & Biefstuk, Brabantian (a bread filled with sausages), Eggs served with Bacon and Cheese, Meatballs, Custard, Porridge etc.

For this recipe I picked up Tijgerboord also known as Tijgerbol or internationally as Dutch Crunch Bread. This bread has a unique cracked crust while is soft inside. The crust is made with rice flour paste which cracks during the baking process giving it its unique appeal. The bread is also famous in the US mainland, typically Northern California. I made it in the bun shape, while you could also make it into a roll or loaf. It tastes best fresh and should be served with some cheese or butter. The flour making does take some time and it needs to be baked about half an hour to get the best crust. However the time is best spent and you would just love the taste. Use this simple Dutch Crunch Bread Recipe and enjoy the taste for breakfast.


  • Yeast – 2 & 1/4 tbsp
  • Warm water – 1/4 cup
  • Warm milk – 1 cup
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp
  • Oil – 3 tbsp
  • Salt – 2 tsp
  • All purpose flour – 4 cups
  • Wheat gluten – 3 tbsp

For the rice paste

  • Rice flour – 1 cup
  • Yeast – 1 tsp
  • Salt – 1/2 tsp
  • Sugar – 1 tsp

Dutch Crunch Bread Recipe

For the bread dough

  • Mix warm water, warm milk, sugar and yeast in a bowl and keep aside till yeast blooms.

Yeast mixture

  • In another bowl, mix all purpose flour, oil, salt and wheat gluten.
  • Add the yeast mixture and make a soft dough.
  • Knead the dough for another 5 to 10 minutes till soft and elastic.
  • Oil a bowl and keep the dough in this oiled bowl for about 2 hours till it doubles in size.

Dutch crunch bread – Dough before and after rising

  • Divide it in 7 to 8 equal balls and arrange them on a baking tray, cover and keep aside for 15 minutes. They will rise slightly.

Dough balls on baking sheet

For the rice paste

  • Mix all ingredients and keep aside for about 15 minutes.
  • Apply a thick layer of this rice paste all over the dough balls.

Dough Balls covered with rice paste

For baking

  • Bake for 25 to 30 minutes till the crust is browned all over.
  • Serve hot and fresh.

Dutch Crunch Bread- Fresh out of the oven

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