Home amsterdam Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

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The Amsterdam Red Light District is the oldest part of city and is indeed well known for the practice of the oldest profession in the world, prostitution. Since 15th century,…

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The Amsterdam Red Light District is the oldest part of city and is indeed well known for the practice of the oldest profession in the world, prostitution. Since 15th century, this part of Amsterdam has been frequented by sailors in need of sexual accompaniment.

Locals call this place the ‘Rossebuurt’. This is the Dutch word for red or pink. Prostitution is legal in Netherlands and this part of Amsterdam is the place for the sex trade. Special security is arranged for the street walkers by the streetwalkers themselves. Though it is prostitution, which is the chief focus of the RLD, there are also a few museums in this part of the city. There are narrow old houses as well as grand buildings in the Red Light District in Amsterdam.

The sex shops of Amsterdam’s Red Light District sell every thing from all sorts of contraceptives to sex toys. The are brothels and stripping bars in the Red Light District of Amsterdam. Apart from the regular local clients, this place is also known to attract huge throngs of foreign clients as well. Though nothing much is left to the imagination in public by the prostitutes, photographing the semi nude or nude sex sellers is strictly prohibited.

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