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World Map / Thematic Maps / Map of Zika Virus Affected Countries and Areas

Map of Zika Virus Affected Countries and Areas

Map of Zika Virus Affected Countries and Areas
Description :Map showing Countries and territories with active Zika virus transmission.  Disclaimer

World Health Organization declares Zika virus public health emergency
WHO Director-General meeting of the Emergency Committee on Zika was held on 1st February 2016. it has suggested...

"A coordinated international response is needed to improve surveillance, the detection of infections, congenital malformations, and neurological complications, to intensify the control of mosquito populations, and to expedite the development of diagnostic tests and vaccines to protect people at risk, especially during pregnancy.

The Committee found no public health justification for restrictions on travel or trade to prevent the spread of Zika virus."

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What is Zika Virus ?

Mosquito is the main cause of Zika virus. The virus is spread to people through mosquito bites. The virus is named after the Zika forests located in Uganda. It was here that the virus was first identified in the 1940s by the scientists.

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