Mobile cellular telephone subscriptions are subscriptions to a public mobile telephone service that provide access to the PSTN using cellular technology. The indicator includes the number of postpaid subscriptions, and the number of active prepaid accounts. The indicator applies to all mobile cellular subscriptions that offer voice communications. It excludes subscriptions via data cards or USB modems, subscriptions to public mobile data services, private trunked mobile radio, telepoint, radio paging and telemetry services.
Last Updated on : November 11, 2016
Countries with Most Mobile Phone Users in the World (Per 100 People)
Country Name | Country Code | 2000 | 2010 | 2015 |
Afghanistan | AFG | 0.00 | 35.97 | 61.58 |
Albania | ALB | 0.90 | 85.47 | 106.38 |
Algeria | DZA | 0.27 | 88.44 | 113.03 |
American Samoa | ASM | 3.46 | ||
Andorra | AND | 36.00 | 84.07 | 88.12 |
Angola | AGO | 0.19 | 48.10 | 60.84 |
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | 28.33 | 192.55 | 137.22 |
Arab World | ARB | 3.18 | 87.63 | 110.11 |
Argentina | ARG | 17.58 | 141.38 | 143.91 |
Armenia | ARM | 0.57 | 130.43 | 115.15 |
Aruba | ABW | 16.51 | 129.73 | 135.72 |
Australia | AUS | 44.46 | 100.43 | 132.80 |
Austria | AUT | 76.27 | 145.69 | 157.41 |
Azerbaijan | AZE | 5.18 | 100.06 | 111.28 |
Bahamas, The | BHS | 10.59 | 118.83 | 80.29 |
Bahrain | BHR | 30.79 | 125.21 | 185.26 |
Bangladesh | BGD | 0.21 | 44.95 | 83.36 |
Barbados | BRB | 10.65 | 124.85 | 116.46 |
Belarus | BLR | 0.49 | 108.87 | 123.64 |
Belgium | BEL | 54.82 | 111.08 | 115.69 |
Belize | BLZ | 7.05 | 62.93 | 48.91 |
Benin | BEN | 0.80 | 74.40 | 85.64 |
Bermuda | BMU | 20.69 | 135.79 | 57.95 |
Bhutan | BTN | 0.00 | 55.00 | 87.12 |
Bolivia | BOL | 6.86 | 70.69 | 92.18 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | 2.44 | 80.87 | 90.15 |
Botswana | BWA | 12.66 | 120.01 | 169.00 |
Brazil | BRA | 13.29 | 100.88 | 126.59 |
British Virgin Islands | VGB | 174.57 | 145.83 | |
Brunei Darussalam | BRN | 28.63 | 108.62 | 108.13 |
Bulgaria | BGR | 9.22 | 138.04 | 129.27 |
Burkina Faso | BFA | 0.22 | 36.73 | 80.64 |
Burundi | BDI | 0.24 | 18.17 | 46.22 |
Cabo Verde | CPV | 4.46 | 76.27 | 127.15 |
Cambodia | KHM | 1.07 | 56.74 | 133.00 |
Cameroon | CMR | 0.65 | 41.88 | 71.85 |
Canada | CAN | 28.43 | 75.68 | 81.93 |
Cayman Islands | CYM | 25.67 | 181.17 | 155.49 |
Chad | TCD | 0.07 | 24.53 | 40.17 |
Channel Islands | CHI | |||
Chile | CHL | 22.01 | 115.75 | 129.47 |
China | CHN | 6.66 | 63.17 | 93.16 |
Colombia | COL | 5.66 | 95.76 | 115.74 |
Comoros | COM | 0.00 | 24.20 | 54.80 |
Congo, Dem. Rep. | COD | 0.03 | 19.01 | 52.99 |
Congo, Rep. | COG | 2.24 | 90.44 | 111.66 |
Costa Rica | CRI | 5.39 | 66.99 | 150.66 |
Cote d'Ivoire | CIV | 2.93 | 82.20 | 119.31 |
Croatia | HRV | 23.08 | 113.61 | 103.77 |
Cuba | CUB | 0.06 | 8.89 | 29.65 |
Curacao | CUW | 138.27 | 114.15 | |
Cyprus | CYP | 23.15 | 93.69 | 95.40 |
Czech Republic | CZE | 42.40 | 122.56 | 129.21 |
Denmark | DNK | 63.01 | 115.67 | 128.34 |
Djibouti | DJI | 0.03 | 19.86 | 34.68 |
Dominica | DMA | 1.72 | 148.34 | 106.29 |
Dominican Republic | DOM | 8.14 | 88.78 | 82.59 |
Ecuador | ECU | 3.85 | 98.53 | 79.43 |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | EGY | 2.06 | 90.50 | 110.99 |
El Salvador | SLV | 12.48 | 123.84 | 145.26 |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | 0.96 | 57.36 | 66.72 |
Eritrea | ERI | 0.00 | 3.23 | 7.05 |
Estonia | EST | 40.77 | 127.28 | 148.69 |
Ethiopia | ETH | 0.03 | 7.87 | 42.76 |
Euro area | EMU | 59.11 | 116.38 | 120.62 |
Faroe Islands | FRO | 36.50 | 119.90 | 127.28 |
Fiji | FJI | 6.78 | 81.10 | 108.20 |
Finland | FIN | 72.03 | 156.31 | 135.50 |
France | FRA | 49.06 | 91.39 | 102.61 |
French Polynesia | PYF | 16.82 | 80.54 | 94.90 |
Gabon | GAB | 9.79 | 103.46 | 168.92 |
Gambia, The | GMB | 0.46 | 87.96 | 131.26 |
Georgia | GEO | 4.11 | 90.65 | 128.95 |
Germany | DEU | 57.72 | 106.48 | 116.71 |
Ghana | GHA | 0.69 | 71.87 | 129.74 |
Gibraltar | GIB | 20.32 | 102.55 | |
Greece | GRC | 54.00 | 110.65 | 113.98 |
Greenland | GRL | 26.91 | 101.42 | 106.50 |
Grenada | GRD | 4.23 | 116.50 | 112.25 |
Guam | GUM | 17.51 | ||
Guatemala | GTM | 7.65 | 125.98 | 111.48 |
Guinea | GIN | 0.48 | 36.78 | 87.17 |
Guinea-Bissau | GNB | 0.00 | 42.69 | 69.27 |
Guyana | GUY | 5.35 | 71.29 | 67.19 |
Haiti | HTI | 0.64 | 40.42 | 69.90 |
High income | HIC | 49.22 | 108.84 | 124.49 |
Honduras | HND | 2.49 | 124.72 | 95.54 |
Hong Kong SAR, China | HKG | 79.69 | 195.67 | 228.83 |
Hungary | HUN | 30.09 | 119.94 | 118.91 |
Iceland | ISL | 76.42 | 107.24 | 114.01 |
India | IND | 0.34 | 62.39 | 78.84 |
Indonesia | IDN | 1.76 | 87.79 | 132.35 |
Iran, Islamic Rep. | IRN | 1.46 | 72.59 | 93.38 |
Iraq | IRQ | 0.00 | 75.14 | 93.83 |
Ireland | IRL | 64.70 | 105.24 | 103.71 |
Isle of Man | IMN | |||
Israel | ISR | 73.17 | 122.78 | 133.47 |
Italy | ITA | 74.13 | 154.80 | 151.32 |
Jamaica | JAM | 14.21 | 116.07 | 111.51 |
Japan | JPN | 53.12 | 96.81 | 125.05 |
Jordan | JOR | 8.16 | 102.56 | 179.43 |
Kazakhstan | KAZ | 1.35 | 121.87 | 187.17 |
Kenya | KEN | 0.41 | 61.03 | 80.68 |
Kiribati | KIR | 0.36 | 10.84 | 38.84 |
Korea, Dem. People's Rep. | PRK | 0.00 | 1.76 | 12.88 |
Korea, Rep. | KOR | 58.33 | 104.77 | 118.46 |
Kosovo | KSV | 32.41 | ||
Kuwait | KWT | 24.97 | 133.01 | 231.76 |
Kyrgyz Republic | KGZ | 0.18 | 98.90 | 132.80 |
Lao PDR | LAO | 0.24 | 62.59 | 53.10 |
Latvia | LVA | 16.92 | 110.31 | 126.97 |
Lebanon | LBN | 22.96 | 65.97 | 87.07 |
Lesotho | LSO | 1.16 | 49.15 | 105.52 |
Liberia | LBR | 0.05 | 39.70 | 81.09 |
Libya | LBY | 0.77 | 180.45 | 157.00 |
Liechtenstein | LIE | 30.22 | 98.28 | 108.81 |
Lithuania | LTU | 14.98 | 159.40 | 139.52 |
Low income | LIC | 0.33 | 28.68 | 59.96 |
Luxembourg | LUX | 69.54 | 143.14 | 148.51 |
Macao SAR, China | MAC | 32.66 | 209.92 | 324.44 |
Macedonia, FYR | MKD | 5.64 | 102.44 | 105.38 |
Madagascar | MDG | 0.40 | 36.58 | 46.02 |
Malawi | MWI | 0.43 | 20.76 | 35.34 |
Malaysia | MYS | 21.87 | 119.74 | 143.91 |
Maldives | MDV | 2.80 | 151.78 | 206.66 |
Mali | MLI | 0.10 | 53.20 | 139.61 |
Malta | MLT | 28.08 | 107.26 | 129.30 |
Marshall Islands | MHL | 0.86 | 29.25 | |
Mauritania | MRT | 0.56 | 76.91 | 89.32 |
Mauritius | MUS | 15.19 | 96.77 | 140.57 |
Mexico | MEX | 13.55 | 77.52 | 85.30 |
Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | FSM | 0.00 | 26.56 | |
Moldova | MDA | 3.38 | 71.38 | 108.04 |
Monaco | MCO | 43.41 | 63.55 | 88.78 |
Mongolia | MNG | 6.45 | 92.54 | 104.96 |
Montenegro | MNE | 188.69 | 162.16 | |
Morocco | MAR | 8.16 | 101.07 | 126.87 |
Mozambique | MOZ | 0.28 | 30.14 | 74.24 |
Myanmar | MMR | 0.03 | 1.14 | 76.67 |
Namibia | NAM | 4.32 | 89.50 | 102.10 |
Nauru | NRU | 11.95 | 61.85 | |
Nepal | NPL | 0.04 | 34.25 | 96.75 |
Netherlands | NLD | 67.81 | 115.43 | 123.54 |
New Caledonia | NCL | 23.78 | 89.62 | 93.48 |
New Zealand | NZL | 39.97 | 107.83 | 121.83 |
Nicaragua | NIC | 1.77 | 68.05 | 116.11 |
Niger | NER | 0.02 | 23.08 | 46.50 |
Nigeria | NGA | 0.02 | 54.66 | 82.19 |
Northern Mariana Islands | MNP | 4.38 | ||
Norway | NOR | 71.78 | 114.48 | 113.58 |
OECD members | OED | 45.24 | 101.36 | 115.98 |
Oman | OMN | 7.39 | 164.34 | 159.86 |
Pakistan | PAK | 0.21 | 57.28 | 66.92 |
Palau | PLW | 70.89 | 111.52 | |
Panama | PAN | 13.43 | 180.70 | 174.19 |
Papua New Guinea | PNG | 0.16 | 27.83 | 46.65 |
Paraguay | PRY | 15.34 | 91.66 | 105.39 |
Peru | PER | 4.90 | 99.50 | 109.87 |
Philippines | PHL | 8.31 | 88.98 | 118.13 |
Poland | POL | 17.59 | 122.92 | 148.71 |
Portugal | PRT | 64.67 | 115.30 | 110.41 |
Puerto Rico | PRI | 34.71 | 79.09 | 87.09 |
Qatar | QAT | 20.36 | 124.96 | 153.59 |
Romania | ROU | 11.16 | 111.43 | 107.14 |
Russian Federation | RUS | 2.22 | 165.50 | 159.95 |
Rwanda | RWA | 0.46 | 32.75 | 70.48 |
Samoa | WSM | 1.43 | 48.38 | 58.52 |
San Marino | SMR | 53.78 | 99.11 | 115.16 |
Sao Tome and Principe | STP | 0.00 | 57.64 | 65.09 |
Saudi Arabia | SAU | 6.83 | 189.17 | 176.59 |
Senegal | SEN | 2.54 | 64.43 | 99.95 |
Serbia | SRB | 125.30 | 120.52 | |
Seychelles | SYC | 32.54 | 128.92 | 158.12 |
Sierra Leone | SLE | 0.29 | 34.77 | 89.53 |
Singapore | SGP | 70.12 | 145.40 | 146.14 |
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | SXM | |||
Slovak Republic | SVK | 23.08 | 109.05 | 122.31 |
Slovenia | SVN | 61.10 | 103.30 | 113.22 |
Small states | SST | 10.98 | 91.04 | 118.00 |
Solomon Islands | SLB | 0.28 | 21.94 | 72.66 |
Somalia | SOM | 1.08 | 6.73 | 52.47 |
South Africa | ZAF | 18.59 | 97.90 | 159.27 |
South Sudan | SSD | 14.45 | 23.86 | |
Spain | ESP | 60.24 | 111.28 | 107.90 |
Sri Lanka | LKA | 2.28 | 83.62 | 112.83 |
St. Kitts and Nevis | KNA | 2.63 | 152.81 | 131.84 |
St. Lucia | LCA | 1.59 | 111.73 | 101.52 |
St. Martin (French part) | MAF | |||
St. Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT | 2.19 | 120.56 | 103.65 |
Sudan | SDN | 0.07 | 41.54 | 70.53 |
Suriname | SUR | 8.80 | 99.28 | 180.69 |
Eswatini(Swaziland) | SWZ | 3.10 | 60.83 | 73.20 |
Sweden | SWE | 71.82 | 117.16 | 130.38 |
Switzerland | CHE | 64.73 | 123.16 | 142.01 |
Syrian Arab Republic | SYR | 0.18 | 54.32 | 62.45 |
Tajikistan | TJK | 0.02 | 77.89 | 98.59 |
Tanzania | TZA | 0.32 | 46.66 | 75.86 |
Thailand | THA | 4.90 | 108.02 | 125.81 |
Timor-Leste | TLS | 43.82 | 117.40 | |
Togo | TGO | 1.03 | 41.27 | 64.95 |
Tonga | TON | 0.18 | 52.16 | 65.61 |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | 12.77 | 142.63 | 157.67 |
Tunisia | TUN | 1.25 | 104.54 | 129.93 |
Turkey | TUR | 25.54 | 85.63 | 96.02 |
Turkmenistan | TKM | 0.17 | 63.42 | 145.94 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TCA | |||
Tuvalu | TUV | 0.00 | 16.28 | 40.34 |
Uganda | UGA | 0.52 | 37.74 | 50.37 |
Ukraine | UKR | 1.67 | 117.11 | 144.02 |
United Arab Emirates | ARE | 47.19 | 129.43 | 187.35 |
United Kingdom | GBR | 73.71 | 123.63 | 125.75 |
United States | USA | 38.47 | 91.31 | 117.59 |
Uruguay | URY | 12.37 | 131.59 | 160.21 |
Uzbekistan | UZB | 0.21 | 75.45 | 73.32 |
Vanuatu | VUT | 0.20 | 71.92 | 66.25 |
Venezuela, RB | VEN | 22.32 | 96.00 | 92.97 |
Vietnam | VNM | 0.97 | 125.29 | 130.64 |
Virgin Islands (U.S.) | VIR | 32.25 | ||
West Bank and Gaza | PSE | 0.22 | 64.88 | 77.62 |
World | WLD | 12.08 | 76.51 | 98.62 |
Yemen, Rep. | YEM | 0.18 | 48.70 | 67.98 |
Zambia | ZMB | 0.98 | 41.21 | 74.47 |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | 2.13 | 58.88 | 84.79 |
Last Updated on : November 11, 2016