The gross national income (GNI) stands for the domestic and foreign output of a country. The GNI per capita is a country’s final income in a year. It is most likely calculated in US dollar value as the international dollar has identical purchasing power as a US dollar. The term reflects the average annual income of a country’s citizens. It is the sum of net value/money added by residents and non-residents of a country.
GNI on purchasing power parity (PPP) is a good measure to understand the general standard of living and economic growth of a particular country. For instance, countries with higher GNI and GDP tend to have higher literacy rates, longer life expectancies, and lower infant mortality rates. Comparing the GNI and the GDP indicates whether a country's resources are put to capital creation or they are declining toward abroad.
All data is in US dollars and the rankings are given by the World Bank. Qatar, Singapore, Kuwait, Luxemburg, Monaco, Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates rank among countries with the highest GNI per capita. Denmark, Norway, Saudi Arabia, and Hong Kong are also the leading nations in GNI per capita by PPP.
On the other hand, countries like Central African Republic, Greece, Libya, and Zimbabwe have experienced a notable decline in the recent decade. The United States, China, Japan, France, and the United Kingdom are the strongest economies in the world by nominal GDP.
Last Updated on : November 03, 2016
GNI on purchasing power parity (PPP) is a good measure to understand the general standard of living and economic growth of a particular country. For instance, countries with higher GNI and GDP tend to have higher literacy rates, longer life expectancies, and lower infant mortality rates. Comparing the GNI and the GDP indicates whether a country's resources are put to capital creation or they are declining toward abroad.
On the other hand, countries like Central African Republic, Greece, Libya, and Zimbabwe have experienced a notable decline in the recent decade. The United States, China, Japan, France, and the United Kingdom are the strongest economies in the world by nominal GDP.
GNI per capita by country based on PPP (current international $)
Country Name | Country Code | 2015 GNI per capita, PPP (current international $ in Thousands) |
Afghanistan | AFG | 1,990 |
Albania | ALB | 11,140 |
Algeria | DZA | 14,280 |
Angola | AGO | 6,450 |
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | 22,220 |
Arab World | ARB | 16,446 |
Armenia | ARM | 8,720 |
Australia | AUS | 44,570 |
Austria | AUT | 47,510 |
Azerbaijan | AZE | 17,140 |
Bahamas, The | BHS | 22,930 |
Bahrain | BHR | 39,140 |
Bangladesh | BGD | 3,550 |
Barbados | BRB | 15,930 |
Belarus | BLR | 16,840 |
Belgium | BEL | 44,100 |
Belize | BLZ | 7,880 |
Benin | BEN | 2,100 |
Bhutan | BTN | 7,610 |
Bolivia | BOL | 6,840 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | 10,610 |
Botswana | BWA | 15,600 |
Brazil | BRA | 15,020 |
Bulgaria | BGR | 16,790 |
Burkina Faso | BFA | 1,640 |
Burundi | BDI | 730 |
Cabo Verde | CPV | 6,390 |
Cambodia | KHM | 3,290 |
Cameroon | CMR | 3,080 |
Canada | CAN | 43,970 |
Caribbean small states | CSS | 14,796 |
Central African Republic | CAF | 600 |
Chad | TCD | 2,110 |
Chile | CHL | 21,740 |
China | CHN | 14,160 |
Colombia | COL | 13,520 |
Congo, Dem. Rep. | COD | 720 |
Congo, Rep. | COG | 6,300 |
Costa Rica | CRI | 14,880 |
Cote d'Ivoire | CIV | 3,240 |
Croatia | HRV | 21,730 |
Cyprus | CYP | 30,840 |
Czech Republic | CZE | 30,420 |
Denmark | DNK | 47,810 |
Dominica | DMA | 10,420 |
Dominican Republic | DOM | 13,570 |
Ecuador | ECU | 11,190 |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | EGY | 10,690 |
El Salvador | SLV | 8,220 |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | 16,450 |
Estonia | EST | 27,510 |
Ethiopia | ETH | 1,620 |
Fiji | FJI | 8,700 |
Finland | FIN | 40,840 |
France | FRA | 40,470 |
Gabon | GAB | 18,810 |
Georgia | GEO | 9,410 |
Germany | DEU | 48,260 |
Ghana | GHA | 4,070 |
Greece | GRC | 26,790 |
Grenada | GRD | 12,520 |
Guatemala | GTM | 7,510 |
Guinea | GIN | 1,120 |
Guinea-Bissau | GNB | 1,450 |
Guyana | GUY | 7,520 |
Haiti | HTI | 1,760 |
Honduras | HND | 4,740 |
Hong Kong SAR, China | HKG | 57,650 |
Hungary | HUN | 24,630 |
IBRD only | IBD | 12,188 |
Iceland | ISL | 46,120 |
IDA & IBRD total | IBT | 9,912 |
India | IND | 6,020 |
Indonesia | IDN | 10,680 |
Iraq | IRQ | 14,850 |
Ireland | IRL | 46,410 |
Israel | ISR | 34,940 |
Italy | ITA | 35,850 |
Jamaica | JAM | 8,860 |
Japan | JPN | 38,870 |
Jordan | JOR | 10,740 |
Kazakhstan | KAZ | 24,260 |
Kenya | KEN | 3,060 |
Kiribati | KIR | 4,150 |
Korea, Rep. | KOR | 34,700 |
Kosovo | KSV | 9,840 |
Kuwait | KWT | 79,970 |
Kyrgyz Republic | KGZ | 3,300 |
Lao PDR | LAO | 5,380 |
Late-demographic dividend | LTE | 15,485 |
Latvia | LVA | 24,220 |
Lebanon | LBN | 14,120 |
Liberia | LBR | 720 |
Libya | LBY | 15,140 |
Lithuania | LTU | 26,660 |
Luxembourg | LUX | 70,750 |
Macedonia, FYR | MKD | 13,570 |
Madagascar | MDG | 1,400 |
Malawi | MWI | 1,140 |
Malaysia | MYS | 26,140 |
Maldives | MDV | 11,310 |
Mali | MLI | 2,360 |
Mauritius | MUS | 19,290 |
Mexico | MEX | 17,150 |
Moldova | MDA | 5,350 |
Mongolia | MNG | 11,070 |
Montenegro | MNE | 15,890 |
Morocco | MAR | 7,680 |
Mozambique | MOZ | 1,170 |
Namibia | NAM | 10,380 |
Nepal | NPL | 2,500 |
Netherlands | NLD | 48,400 |
New Zealand | NZL | 35,680 |
Nicaragua | NIC | 5,050 |
Niger | NER | 950 |
Nigeria | NGA | 5,800 |
Norway | NOR | 64,590 |
Oman | OMN | 37,340 |
Pakistan | PAK | 5,350 |
Palau | PLW | 14,700 |
Panama | PAN | 20,710 |
Paraguay | PRY | 8,670 |
Peru | PER | 11,960 |
Philippines | PHL | 8,900 |
Poland | POL | 25,400 |
Portugal | PRT | 28,590 |
Qatar | QAT | 1,40,720 |
Romania | ROU | 20,900 |
Russian Federation | RUS | 23,790 |
Rwanda | RWA | 1,720 |
Samoa | WSM | 5,720 |
Saudi Arabia | SAU | 54,730 |
Senegal | SEN | 2,390 |
Serbia | SRB | 12,800 |
Seychelles | SYC | 25,760 |
Sierra Leone | SLE | 1,560 |
Singapore | SGP | 81,190 |
Slovak Republic | SVK | 28,200 |
Slovenia | SVN | 30,830 |
Small states | SST | 20,950 |
Solomon Islands | SLB | 2,180 |
South Africa | ZAF | 12,830 |
South Sudan | SSD | 1,630 |
Spain | ESP | 34,490 |
Sri Lanka | LKA | 11,480 |
St. Kitts and Nevis | KNA | 23,700 |
St. Lucia | LCA | 10,820 |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT | 11,000 |
Sudan | SDN | 4,080 |
Suriname | SUR | 16,870 |
Eswatini(Swaziland) | SWZ | 8,040 |
Sweden | SWE | 47,390 |
Switzerland | CHE | 61,930 |
Tajikistan | TJK | 3,320 |
Tanzania | TZA | 2,620 |
Thailand | THA | 15,210 |
Timor-Leste | TLS | 3,820 |
Togo | TGO | 1,320 |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | 29,630 |
Tunisia | TUN | 11,060 |
Turkey | TUR | 19,360 |
Turkmenistan | TKM | 15,760 |
Uganda | UGA | 1,780 |
Ukraine | UKR | 7,810 |
United Arab Emirates | ARE | 70,570 |
United Kingdom | GBR | 40,550 |
United States | USA | 56,430 |
Uruguay | URY | 20,360 |
Uzbekistan | UZB | 6,110 |
Vietnam | VNM | 5,690 |
World | WLD | 15,421 |
Zambia | ZMB | 3,660 |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | 1,700 |
Last Updated on : November 03, 2016