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World Map / South America / Information / Poverty in South America

Poverty in South America

Poverty in South America is primarily perceived as an urban phenomenon as 70% of the population live in cities. But in the rural areas poverty has become a more problematic issue. The indigenous peasants are the poorest people. The poverty is caused due to many reasons mainly unequal distribution of wealth.
Poverty in South America is also a result of migration, internal conflicts and structural adjustments. In spite of having most of the natural resources South America is the home of the miserably poor people. Colonialism is not the soul reason behind this poverty. Higher fertility is one of the causes behind the Poverty of South America.

South America Poverty is becoming a threat to social and political stability as well as public security. Drug addiction is a result of this poverty. It is also leading to environmental issues. To solve this problem is one of the major duties of the government, which needs international help n this matter. The food supply capacity is inadequate. This can affect the international economy and environment on a global scale.

Some of the following measures should be followed to recover Poverty in South America
  • The disparities should be corrected by providing support for poverty control.
  • Collaboration with the Japanese descendants, Nikkei communities.
  • Solving the environmental problems.
  • Trade promotion measures should be taken.
  • Regional integration should be given importance.
  • Intra-regional cooperation should be address.
  • Proper management of natural resources are required.
  • Food-producing capacity should be maintained and improved.

To find a permanent solution to this problem of Poverty in South America Poverty in South America government should take all necessary measures. This problem is not only affecting the countries but the world. So solving this issue has been a great challenge to humanity.

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