
South American Capitals

South America has an area of 17,840,000km which is almost 3.5% of the Earth's surface. It ranks fourth in area. The population is around 371,000,000 according to the statistics of 2005. It is the fifth largest continent of the world population wise. South American Capitals are well-developed.

Capitals of South America are not only well-organized they have all the necessary facilities for the citizens as well as the foreigners. The economic condition of the countries are quite stable. Education or health issues are not even serious. But in the political field some sort of struggle can be noticed.

Most of the cities give wonderful views. Since South America is a land of diversity many of the natural wonders are awaiting you in the South American Capitals. The capitals are inhabited by people from many ethnic group, many race. They also follow different religion.

According to the countries the Capitals in South America are:

Countries Capitals
Paraguay Asuncion
Belize Belmopan
Brazil Brasilia
Guyana Georgetown
Colombia Bogota
Barbados Bridgetown
Argentina Buenos Aires
Cuba Havana
Venezuela Caracas
Guatemala Guatemala City
Jamaica Kingston
Peru Lima
Mexico Mexico City
Bolivia La Paz and Sucre
Nicaragua Managua
Uruguay Montevido
Panama Panama City
The Bahamas Nassau
Suriname Paramaribo
Haiti Port-au-Prince
Ecuador Quito
Costa Rica San Jose
Trinidad and Tobago Port-of-Spain
El Salvador San Salvador
Chile Santiago
Honduras Tegucigalpa
Dominican Republic Santa Domingo

South American Capitals are the ideal place for comfort loving people. Beside of providing the basic human needs they are always undergoing development. So the another name of South American Capitals can be progress.

Last Updated on: October 27th, 2017