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Where is Badger Located in South Dakota, USA

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Where is Badger , South Dakota
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Location: Badger
Latitude: 36.38N
Longitude: 119.01W
Badger is a town in Kingsbury County, South Dakota State, USA. Its population was about 144 at time of year 2000 census. The census details also give some other useful information on Badger. It comprises of 2 major races- the White Non-Hispanic, which make up about 99.3% of the entire population, and the Chinese, which constitute about 0.7% of the population. The entire area covers about 1.06 square miles, and is located at an elevation of 1710 feet. Badger has a very low population density of 128 people per square mile. It lies on latitude 44º29'8"N and longitude 97º12"27"W. City of Lake Norden is at a short distance from here (6.6 miles), and can be easily visited while traveling to Badger. Hetland, Arlington, Hayti, Lake Preston, Oldham and Bryant are some other places located near Badger. The Watertown Muni Airport, the Brookings Muni Airport, the Arlington Muni Airport and Lake Preston Airport are some of the airports located close to this place.

Location Map of South Dakota Cities

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