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Uzbekistan Latitude and Longitude Map
Uzbekistan's latitude and longitude is 41° 00' N and 64° 00' E . Below is the map of Uzbekistan showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.
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Uzbekistan lies within the latitude and longitude of 41 00N and 64 00E. Uzbekistan is located in Central Asia, to the north of Afghanistan.
The latitude and longitude of Uzbekistan covers a total area of 447,400 square kilometer. Due to the presence of mid latitude desert the climatic conditions within this latitude and longitude of Uzbekistan is long, hot summers and mild winters. The country also has semi arid grassland in the east. The terrain of Uzbekistan is characterized by sandy desert, with dunes, flat, irrigated rivers valleys along the course of Amu Darya, Syr Darya and Zarafshan. In the east the Fergena valley is surrounded by the mountainous countries of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan and in the west, Uzbekistan has the shrinking Aral Sea.
The capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, lies within the latitude and longitude of 41 20 N and 69 18E. Uzbekistan is one of the only two doubly land-locked countries of the world.
The capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, lies within the latitude and longitude of 41 20 N and 69 18E. Uzbekistan is one of the only two doubly land-locked countries of the world.
Locations Latitude Longitude Amudarya 43°58'N 59°34'E Amyderya/Amudarya 43°58'N 59°34'E Andijon 41°10'N 72°15'E Andizhen/Andijon 41°10'N 72°15'E Angren 41°01'N 70°12'E Bukhara / Bukhoro 39°48'N 64°25'E Bukhoro 39°48'N 64°25'E Chimbay 42°57'N 59°47'E Chirchiq 41°29'N 69°35'E Daryoi Amu / Amudarya 43°58'N 59°34'E Denau 38°16'N 67°54'E Dzhizak / Jizzakh 40°06'N 67°50'E Farghona 40°23'N 71°19'E Fergana / Farghona 40°23'N 71°19'E Jizzakh 40°06'N 67°50'E Kagan 39°43'N 64°33'E Kara Kalpak Republic / Qoraqalpoghistan 43°00'N 58°00'E Karakalpakstan / Qoraqalpoghistan 43°00'N 58°00'E Karshi / Qarshi 38°53'N 65°48'E
Locations Latitude Longitude Khiva 41°30'N 60°18'E Kokand / Quqon 40°30'N 70°57'E Kungrad / Qunghirot 43°06'N 58°54'E Kyzyl Kum 42°30'N 65°00'E Mujnak / Muynak 43°44'N 59°10'E Muynak 43°44'N 59°10'E Namangan 41°0'N 71°40'E Navoi / Nawoiy 40°09'N 65°22'E Nawoiy 40°09'N 65°22'E Nukus 42°27'N 59°41'E Oxus / Amudarya 43°58'N 59°34'E Qarshi 38°53'N 65°48'E Qoraqalpoghistan 43°0'N 58°0'E Qunghirot 43°06'N 58°54'E Quqon 40°30'S 70°57'E Samarkand / Samarqand 39°40'N 66°55'E Tashkent / Toshkent 41°20'N 69°10'E Termiz 37°15'N 67°15'E Toshkent 41°20'N 69°10'E Uchquduq 41°50'N 62°50'E