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World Map / International Airports / Europe / Airports in Scotland

Airports in Scotland

Airport Name Airport Code City
Scotland Airports Map UK AIRPORTS
Description :  Map showing location of domestic and international airports in Scotland. Disclaimer

Disclaimer : All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However MapSherpa, Inc, its directors and employees do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authenticity of the same.

Airport NameAirport CodeCityRegionCountryType
Barra Airport (Scotland)BRRBarra  ScotlandINTERNATIONAL
Benbecula AirportBEBBenbecula  ScotlandPRIVATE
Campbeltown AirportCALCampbeltown ScotlandMILLITARY / PUBLIC
Aberdeen AirportABZAberdeen ScotlandINTERNATIONAL
Edinburgh AirportEDIEdinburgh  ScotlandINTERNATIONAL
Glasgow AirportGLARenfrew  ScotlandINTERNATIONAL
Glasgow Prestwick AirportPIKPrestwick  ScotlandINTERNATIONAL
Inverness AirportINVPetty  ScotlandINTERNATIONAL
Papa Westray AirportPPWPapa Westray  ScotlandDOMESTIC
Sanday AirportNDYLady  ScotlandPRIVATE
Stornoway AirportSYYStornoway  ScotlandPRIVATE
Sumburgh AirportLSIDunrossness  ScotlandDOMESTIC
Dundee AirportDNDDundee  ScotlandDOMESTIC
Tingwall AirportLWKTingwall  ScotlandDOMESTIC
Oban AirportOBNArdchattan and Muckairn  ScotlandDOMESTIC
Westray AirportWRYWestray  ScotlandDOMESTIC
Wick AirportWICWick  ScotlandDOMESTIC
Eday AirportEOIEday  ScotlandDOMESTIC
Fair Isle AirportFIEFair Isle  ScotlandDOMESTIC
RAF LeucharsADXLeuchars  ScotlandMILLITARY
RAF LossiemouthLMOLossiemouth  ScotlandMILLITARY
Perth AirportPSLScone  ScotlandDOMESTIC
Tiree AirportTRETiree ScotlandDOMESTIC

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