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World Map / International Airports / Asia / Airports in Vietnam

Airports in Vietnam

Tan Son Nhat International Airport (SGN) is the largest and busiest airport of Vietnam, serving the city of Ho Chi Minh. Noi Bai International Airport (HAN) in Hanoi and Da Nang International Airport (DAD) in Da Nang are other important airports.
Airport Name Airport Code City

Vietnam Airports Map

Airports in Vietnam CHINA AIRPORTS Noibai International Airport Catbi Airport Na San Airport Dien Bien Airport Vinh City Airport Duong Dong Airport Phu Bai Airport Da Nang Airport Pleiku Airport Phu Cat Airports Dong Tac Airport Cam Ranh International Airport Lienkhang Airport Tan Son Nhat International Airport Buon Ma Thuot Can Tho Airport Ca Mau Airport Rach Gia Airport Phuoclong Airport LOAS AIRPORTS THAILAND AIRPORTS CAMBODIA AIRPORTS
Description : This map shows all international and domestic airports in Vietnam. National and provincial capitals have also been marked for convenience. Disclaimer

Disclaimer : All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However MapSherpa, Inc, its directors and employees do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authenticity of the same.

  List of Airports in Vietnam  
CityAirport CodeAirport Name
Haiphong HPHCatbi Airport
Cape St Jacques CSJCape St Jacques Airport
Hue HUIPhu Bai Airport
Dien Bien Phu DINDien Bien Airport
Ca Mau CAHCa Mau Airport
Phu Quoc PQCDuong Dong Airport
Da Nang DADDa Nang Airport
Soc Trang SOASoc Trang Airport
Hanoi HANNoibai International Airport
Vung Tau VTGVung Tau Airport
Phu Vinh PHUPhu Vinh Airport
Quang Ngai XNGQuang Ngai Airport
Phan Thiet PHHPhan Thiet Airport
Nha Trang CXRCam Ranh International Airport
Banmethuot BMVPhung Duc Airport
Dalat DLILienkhang Airport
Vinh Long XVLVinh Long Airport
CityAirport CodeAirport Name
Pleiku PXUPleiku Airport
Vinh City VIIVinh City Airport
Kontum KONKontum Airport
Phan Rang PHAPhan Rang Airport
Phuoclong VSOPhuoclong Airport
Quanduc HOONhon Co Airport
Ho Chi Minh City SGNTan Son Nhat International Airport
Tamky TMKTamky Airport
Long Xuyen XLOLong Xuyen Airport
Son-La SQHNa San Airport
Phu-bon HBNFlamingo Airport
Con Dao VCSCoong Airport
Rach Gia VKGRach Gia Airport
Tuy Hoa TBBDong Tac Airport
Can Tho VCACan Tho Airport
Tamky VCLChulai Airport
Qui Nhon UIHQui Nhon Airport

Last Updated Date: April 13, 2017

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