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World Map / International Airports / Africa / Airports in Somalia

Airports in Somalia

Aden Adde International Airport, located in the capital city of Mogadishu is the largest airport of Somalia. Other important airports include Bender Qassim International Airport located in the city of Bosaso.
Airport Name Airport Code City
Somalia Airport Map Hargeisa Airport Berbera Airport Erigavo Airport Qandala Airport Garoe Airport Eil Airport Galcaio Airport Garbaharey Airport Baidoa Airport Mogadishu International Airport Kismayu Airport Bardera Airport DJIBOUTI AIRPORTS ETHIOPIA AIRPORTS KENYA AIRPORTS
Description : This map locates main international and domestic airports in Somalia. Capitals and major cities have also been marked for convenience. Disclaimer

Disclaimer : All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However MapSherpa, Inc, its directors and employees do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authenticity of the same.

  List of Airports in Somalia  
CityAirport CodeAirport Name
Alula ALUAlula Airport
Hargeisa HGAHargeisa Airport
Mogadishu MGQMogadishu International Airport
Bossaso BSABossaso Airport
Lugh Ganane LGXLugh Ganane Airport
Bardera BSYBardera Airport
Burao BUOBurao Airport
Las Khoreh LKRLas Khoreh Airport
Borama BXXBorama International Airport
Galcaio GLKGalcaio Airport
Baidoa BIBBaidoa Airport
CityAirport CodeAirport Name
Obbia CMOObbia Airport
Gardo GSRGardo Airport
Kismayu KMUKismayu Airport
Eil HCMEil Airport
Erigavo ERAErigavo Airport
Garoe GGRGaroe Airport
Garbaharey GBMGarbaharey Airport
Berbera BBOBerbera Airport
Candala CXNCandala Airport
Scusciuban CMSScusciuban Airport

Last Updated Date: June 01, 2017

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