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World Map / International Airports / Africa / Airports in Namibia

Airports in Namibia

Windhoek Hosea Kutako International Airport (WDH) is the primary airport in Namibia serving the capital city of Windhoek.
Airport Name Airport Code City
Airports in Namibia
Angola map Zambia map Zimbabwe map Botswana map South africa map
Description : This map shows major airports in Namibia. Disclaimer

Disclaimer : All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However MapSherpa, Inc, its directors and employees do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authenticity of the same.

  List of Airports in Namibia  
CityAirport CodeAirport Name
Windhoek WDHHosea Kutako International J G Strijdom Airport
Karasburg KASKarasburg Airport
Opuwa OPWOpuwa Airport
Rosh Pina RHNRosh Pina Airport
Okaukuejo OKFOkaukuejo Airport
Windhoek ERSEros Airport
Caprivi LHULianshulu Airport
Rundu NDURundu Airport
Bagani BQIBagani Airport
Luderitz LUDLuderitz Airport
Walvis Bay WVBRooikop Airport
Oranjemund OMDOranjemund Airport
Oshakati OHIOshakati Airport
Keetmanshoop KMPJGH Van Der Wath Airport
Swakopmund SWPSwakopmund Airport
Tsumeb TSBTsumeb Airport
CityAirport CodeAirport Name
Mount Etjo Lodge MJOMount Etjo Lodge Airport
Mpacha MPAMpacha Airport
Omega OMGOmega Airport
Midgard MQGMidgard Airport
Sesriem SZMSesriem Airport
Mokuti Lodge OKUMokuti Lodge Airport
Ai-ais AIWAi ais Airport
Ongava Game Reserve OGVOngava Game Reserve Airport
Ondangwa ONDOndangwa Airport
Grootfontein GFYGrootfontein Airport
Gobabis GOGGobabis Airport
Otjiwarongo OTJOtjiwarongo Airport
Terrace Bay TCYTerrace Bay Airport
Arandis ADIArandis Airport
Halali HALHalali Airport

Last Updated : August 04, 2014

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