Social media with and beyond Facebook

Terms and terminologies would come, some would at some point get classified as jargon and some as cliches, but what matters is raison d’etre, why you should exist digitally beyond  your own website? That is the fundamental point. Your website is a digital asset and so is your FB, Twitter, Instagram and so many other pages. Your each presence beyond your site carries a recall factor and does act as a pointer towards your main digital asset, your website.

At Mapsofworld we treat all digital assets with respect and look at doing value addition to them and through them. When Mapsofworld.com got going, web-directories were still important, at Mapsofworld we treated each entry on each web-directory as a digital asset for us. We were always watching where  we got added and who pointed a link to us, each link was important and more important was to ensure that the link providers do get their links worth. How does one measure what is a links-worth from a website? Does it really need to be measured? Our answer to both is, yes. If a directory gives a link to you, it wishes its own users to reap benefit from your asset, simple. Now, for a website owner, it may not be that simple, a link may have been given to a time sensitive article which was current at that time. Once Mapsofworld gets a link, it automatically assumes responsibility to keep that link active and current at all times. The same applies for hundreds of other sites.

It is just not important to have a Facebook page, it is more important to treat your page as a website which resides within Facebook’s ecosystem. You need to keep it current, credible and consistent at all times. At Mapsofworld, it took us effort to identify the digital-assets we could relate to, once decided, we went ahead and made a long-term strategy for it. Today it gives us pride that the strategies which we started putting in place in 2007-2008 are yielding dividends for the websites where our assets reside, and for us. One of our off-site digital asset is our Facebook page. We treat our FB page as a complete digital asset, it is updated several times daily and is always ahead of the curve in terms of technology and sharing. Now imagine, looking at hundreds of such properties and putting these strategies in place and that also in multiple languages, yes we are doing that. Mapsofworld has FB pages in Spanish and French and would soon have in other languages. Mapsofworld also has a complete presence on FB for its travel vertical – Mapsofworld Travel

When you are on web, you are on an ecosystem, you need to belong there, at Mapsofworld we strive to do that, day in and day out.


Categories: Strategy
Simarprit Singh: <p>For 26 years I have been doing what I want to. I know I have been lucky. I don't beat around the bush. Not too much into networking. Hate those who push connections over merit. Love traveling. Quality or Quantity still puzzle me at times.</p> <br /> <strong>Founder of </strong> <p> <a href="http://www.mapsofworld.com">MapsofWorld</a> : Maps are everywhere on MapsofWorld.com: for students, travelers, researchers, instructors, the layman . . . just about everyone. </p> <p><a href="http://www.mapsofindia.com">Mapsofindia</a> : MapsofIndia.com is the largest online repository of maps on India since 1998. The site provides business mapping solutions and thematic map images of India.</p>