Search Engines and Mapsofworld

We need search engines to reach to millions of surfers who are looking for information, right? Right. Let us take a pause here and ask ourselves – What do search engines need to get people to them? They need our websites, right? Right, but there are a few hundred qualifiers to that. For instance, they need relevant, always available, original, current and credible websites to begin with, and the list doesn’t end here. It just begins from here. They need exact matching and they need brilliant and precise connect, which is not always easy.

On one hand, search-engines work on their algorithms to evaluate sites and on the other hand, they keep on sharing guidelines with publishers. They want publishers to be partners and credible partners. They don’t want publishers to do a shoddy job. They want their publishers to be perfect, always. At Mapsofworld, a few years back, we decided to consider their guidelines as dictum and that helped. Quality, thus, became our first, middle and last name. At every stage of development, from thinking to updates, we decided to let quality win over quantity. Of course, when you allow quality to take over, deadlines do go for a walk, but then, that is, indeed, a good problem to have and we enjoy solving it.

24×7 availability is the first task for us to monitor. Are we always accessible, everywhere? That is not an easy question to answer, as we discovered. We decided to break this question into a few smaller units, like, are we available in all geographies of the world? Are we available on all kinds of devices? What about languages? What about touch points? Is it only about being available on search-engines? Our strategy started getting unfolded, we zeroed down on non-negotiable parameters and decided to always work around them, it helped and helps.

As we keep developing Mapsofworld more and more, our availability is improving. Today we have answered the first question – Mapsofworld.com is always available on all search-engines for the terms users seek. If you look for World Map on any search-engine, we are confident, you would get us in first few results. We are also confident that when you choose us and come to our website, you would find us ready to serve you the information you asked for. Exactly, every time.

As devices people use to seek information varied, so did we. We became responsive, being available to users across different platforms and screen sizes. Having achieved this, we remained relevant. As more and more users get added, their needs and expectations vary. Everyone may not need the same world map as sizes, themes and colors may vary. So, we ensured that we offer an exact match to what is required. If you need a large world map, you are likely to search for a large world map on search engine, right?  Go ahead, search for one. Yes, we did it! We actually made a beautiful large world map and made it available. Rest of the job was done by search-engines.

The story continues and we continue growing by partnering with search engines and surfers.


Categories: Strategy
Simarprit Singh: <p>For 26 years I have been doing what I want to. I know I have been lucky. I don't beat around the bush. Not too much into networking. Hate those who push connections over merit. Love traveling. Quality or Quantity still puzzle me at times.</p> <br /> <strong>Founder of </strong> <p> <a href="http://www.mapsofworld.com">MapsofWorld</a> : Maps are everywhere on MapsofWorld.com: for students, travelers, researchers, instructors, the layman . . . just about everyone. </p> <p><a href="http://www.mapsofindia.com">Mapsofindia</a> : MapsofIndia.com is the largest online repository of maps on India since 1998. The site provides business mapping solutions and thematic map images of India.</p>