Why We Developed Mapsofworld.com

Here are three words that define our need to have a website like Mapsofworld.com in our portfolio of map related businesses: Current, Credible and Consistent. These three words define a need for a business leader in online mapping segment, these three words were absent from the websites which were holding fort when we were exploring this vertical.

Mapsofworld.com is a journey for us. Presenting maps of our world is a daunting task and a task which is ever evolving and ever expanding. If I ask myself, are we there? Have we created a Current, Credible and a Consistent global website? I would say, no, we are not yet there but we are on our way, map by map and fact by fact.

Founder’s Desk is an initiative to make the evolution of Mapsofworld.com much more participative and collaborative. It is our need to listen and stay connected, which has prompted us to create this platform. To begin with, we are looking to come to you for your suggestions, at least once a month. Beyond that it would be a natural traction of this section that would attract our commitment and drive our energies in this direction.

Categories: About Us
Tags: Mapsofworld
Simarprit Singh: <p>For 26 years I have been doing what I want to. I know I have been lucky. I don't beat around the bush. Not too much into networking. Hate those who push connections over merit. Love traveling. Quality or Quantity still puzzle me at times.</p> <br /> <strong>Founder of </strong> <p> <a href="http://www.mapsofworld.com">MapsofWorld</a> : Maps are everywhere on MapsofWorld.com: for students, travelers, researchers, instructors, the layman . . . just about everyone. </p> <p><a href="http://www.mapsofindia.com">Mapsofindia</a> : MapsofIndia.com is the largest online repository of maps on India since 1998. The site provides business mapping solutions and thematic map images of India.</p>