Mapsofworld and Responsibility of Marking Locations

Unfortunately news just happens as it happened a few hours back. At, we need to be always ready with our maps. More often than not, it is the location of a “sad news” that is being looked up. But good or sad, preparedness has to be there, at all times.

Today when tens of thousands look out for “Where is Yemen?”, we have a job to do, and we do – Location of Yemen.The task doesn’t end here. We also need to be prepared to show location of the city, exact city or place within the city. At times we succeed and at times we don’t. This time we kind of do have a map of Sana, which is being accessed since the attack on the Mosque happened, we have a few mosques marked, but we would never speculate. Hence we are immediately not showing the exact location of the mosque, but those familiar with the city should be able to place it –  Sanaa or Sana, location with Yemen and Map.



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