Embassies of Tonga in the World
Embassy Finder
Tonga Embassy in the Foreign Countries |
Country | City | Address | Website | Email |
Australia | Sydney | Level 6, 73 Walker St, North Sydney NSW 2060, PO Box 238, North Sydney NSW 2059 | ----------------------
| tongaconsulate@waterhouse.to
China | Causeway Bay | Pacific Asia Global holdings Ltd., Suite 2001 B-C, One Hysan Avenue | ----------------------
| tuita@netvigator.com
United Kingdom | London | 36 Molyneux Street, GB-London W1H 5BQ | ----------------------
| vielak@btinternet.com
United States of America | San Francisco | 360 Post St, Suite 604, CA 94-108 | www.tongaconsul.com
| consulategeneraloftonga@gmail.com
*The Embassies data is of year 2015 and is subject to change