Embassies of Solomon Islands in the World

Embassy Finder
Solomon Islands Embassy in the Foreign Countries |
Country | City | Address | Website | Email |
Australia | Canberra | 1 Beale Crecent, Deakin, Canberra ACT 2600, Australia, | ----------------------
| info@solomon.emb.gov.au
Belgium | Brussels | Avenue Edouard Lacomble, 17 1040 | ----------------------
| siembassy@compuserve.com,siembassy@skynet.be
Fiji | Suva | 3 Ellery Street, Downtown Boulevard, Plaza 1, Level 3, PO Box 2647, Government Buildings, Suva, Republic of Fiji Islands, | ----------------------
| -----------------------
New Zealand | Auckland | P O Box 201131, Auckland International Airport, Manukau 2150, Auckland | ----------------------
| solomonislands1@hotmail.com
Papua New Guinea | Port Moresby | Unit 1, GB House, Poreporena Freeway, P.O. Box 8922, Boroko, NCD, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, | ----------------------
| sihicomm@daltron.com.pg
Taiwan | Taipei | 7F, No. 9, Lane 62, Tienmu W. Rd., Taipei 111 | www.solomons.org.tw
| embassy@solomons.org.tw
United States of America | New York | 800 Second Avenue, Suite 400L, New York, N.Y. 10017-4709, | www.un.int/wcm/content/site/solomonislands/pid/3603
| simun@foreignaffairs-solomons.org
*The Embassies data is of year 2015 and is subject to change